Benefits of tongue twisters for children

They drive us crazy, they mess up our language, they lock and unlock it, they make us laugh or get angry at ourselves if we can’t say them quickly, and that is because tongue twisters are one of the best games to teach children to practice the language.

We have repeated them over and over again, until we say them correctly, but until now we have not realized that these word mazes hide many benefits for children.

We tell you what are the benefits of tongue twisters for children.

7 benefits of tongue twisters for kids

Well, yes, it seems incredible that these lifelong word games can do much more than make us spend a pleasant afternoon with the family. However, teachers and speech therapists have found among its convoluted words, a fun formula for children to exercise language, memory and vocalization.

Tongue twisters are such an  old popular game that we can’t even tell when they became part of popular culture. We all have a grandfather who has made us recite them, and it is that these confusing rhymes make us enjoy language and laugh at ourselves.

They are word games that combine similar phonemes , forming easy rhymes with sequences of similar sounds, making it difficult to pronounce aloud.

They create pronunciation conflicts , and the effort a child makes to overcome these problems has many benefits in the little minds of children.

1- They promote memory: You will not be able to say a tongue twister well if you do not learn it by heart . It is an infallible trick to be able to pronounce it well.

2- Exercise vocalization: Children will have to make an effort to properly vocalize each phoneme, but they will do it without even realizing it, and in a fun way. It’s like a kind of speech therapy , but wrapped up in laughter.

3- They promote competitiveness with oneself: The desire to improve themselves and get to pronounce the  tongue twisters correctly and quickly makes them want to improve themselves day by day.

4- They help children have an interest in language and reading: Suddenly, language becomes a fun discovery.

5- They encourage imagination , since some invent their own tongue twisters to be able to share them with friends.

6- They increase their vocabulary .

7- They teach them to laugh at themselves .

Now that you know the benefits of tongue twisters for children, do you dare to face them?

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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