Benefits of grapes: vitamins, minerals, healthy sugar

Grapes are one of the favorite berries of autumn. It has many useful properties and has almost no contraindications, so almost everyone can eat it.Grapes deserve to be a part of your diet, because these delicious berries are good for individual organs and their systems, as well as for general health and well-being.

Useful properties of grapes for health and longevity

Grapes contain many nutrients, especially vitamins C and K. A cup of grapes (about 150 g) contains 150 kcal, 27.3 g of carbohydrates and 1.4 g of fiber. And also vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin C – 27% of the recommended daily allowance;
  • vitamin K – 28%;
  • copper – 10%;
  • potassium – 8%;
  • thiamine – 7%;
  • riboflavin and vitamin B6 – 6% each;
  • manganese – 5%.

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health, and vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant.

Grapes Protect Against Chronic Disease

All thanks to the antioxidants that grapes contain. Such compounds protect cells from free radicals and therefore damage. Oxidative stress has been linked to the development of a number of diseases, including diabetes and heart problems.

Most of the antioxidants are found in the skins and seeds of grapes. There is more in red grapes. Anthocyanins, which determine the color of grapes, have good antioxidant properties. The good news is that they retain their properties during fermentation, which is why red wine has them too.

Rasveratrol is another antioxidant found in grapes. Studies show that it is good for the heart and has the ability to lower blood sugar levels.

In addition to resveratrol and vitamin C, berries contain beta-carotene, quercetin, lutein, lycopene, and ellagic acid.

Grapes lower blood sugar

Although these berries have a high sugar content – 23 g per cup, and therefore they are considered not the most useful product and are recommended to exclude it from their diet for people who suffer from diabetes. However, grapes do not have such a high glycemic index – 53.

It also contains trace minerals that have been shown to help lower blood sugar levels. In particular, this effect can be achieved due to rasveratrol, it increases insulin sensitivity: the body uses glucose more efficiently, therefore, less of it remains in the body.

Grapes are good for eye health

Resveratrol is also responsible for this. It protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the risk of age-related macular degeneration is reduced. In addition, this action is able to protect against glaucoma, cataracts and eye diseases associated with diabetes.

In addition, grapes contain two more antioxidants – lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Grapes improve memory

It also helps to concentrate. Research has shown that grapes contribute to better brain function. Improves memory, attention, speech – in older people, and in young people – improves the skills of memorizing and perceiving new information.

Grapes protect against certain pathogens

Studies show that grapes can protect against bacteria and viruses, or help the body fight them.

In laboratory conditions, it was revealed that the elements contained in the skins of grapes can withstand the influenza virus.

The compounds contained in berries prevent the spread of herpes and chickenpox viruses, as well as yeast infections. Resveratrol is able to prevent the proliferation of E. coli.

Grapes help the body fight viruses

Grapes Promote Longevity

This property provides berries with the protein sirtuin – it is associated with longevity. Studies show that he himself contributes to the increase in the lifespan of various animals. Resveratrol activates the SirT1 gene.

Grapes Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the leading cause of chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. Resveratrol also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that grape powder, in amounts equivalent to about 1.5 cups of berries, increased the amount of anti-inflammatory compounds in the blood of men with metabolic syndrome.



by Abdullah Sam
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