How to beat the risk of rain 2 | All the endings

Risk of Rain 2 update 1.0 finally gave the game a proper ending. Now, instead of just finishing a race every time you get bored, you have a chance to take on a final boss and watch a special endgame cinematic. However, this new ending is just one of many different ways to beat Risk of Rain 2. Here’s how to get all the endings, both official and unofficial.

Risk of rain 2 | How to beat the game

There are two official ways to defeat Risk of Rain 2. The first requires you to defeat the final boss Mithrix on Petrichor V’s Moon. The second method requires you to cancel yourself at the obelisk, leaving your fate unknown.

Each of these two endings can have two different conclusions. However, the true ending of the game only occurs after defeating Mithrix and escaping to the spaceship.

Defeat the Mithrix final boss

The correct way to beat Risk of Rain 2 is to defeat Mithrix, the king of nowhere. Mithrix was added later in the update version 1.0 and defeating it is the only way to unlock the correct ending of the game.

To reach Mithrix, you need to find a primal teleporter. The first will appear in Sky Meadow in phase 5. They look similar to other teleporters, except that instead of two horn-like shapes, they feature a ring of angular protrusions.

Once you activate the Primal Teleport and complete the teleport event, you will be transported to Petrichor V’s Moon. This environment is called the Start and is filled with powerful enemies known as the Lunar Chimera.

The beginning is unique in that it is relatively sterile. You won’t find any treasure chests here, but you will find cauldron items similar to those seen in the Between Time Bazaar. If you decide to take one of the items, remember that the cauldron will claim five randomly chosen items from your inventory, that is, unless you have collected the scrap items from a scrap machine.

At the end of the stage you will encounter a large circular arena with a dark portal in the middle. Mithrix will come out of the portal and you will have to beat him in a four round fight. If you succeed, you will only be given a few minutes to escape the lunar surface.

If you fail to reach the ship in time, you will die and the game will end. However, if you arrive before time runs out, the final cutscene will play and the credits roll. Congratulations, you just beat Risk of Rain 2.

Destroy yourself at the obelisk

Prior to the 1.0 update, the only official way to beat Risk of Rain 2 was to annihilate yourself at the Obelisk. This ending is still available, but it’s kind of endless in the sense that nothing major happens. The screen goes black and the end game message indicates your fate is unknown.

To get this ending, you need to find a heavenly portal. These appear in the third phase after the first cycle: phase 8, phase 13, phase 18 and so on. At the end of one of these phases, complete the teleport event, then go through the Heavenly Portal.

You will reappear in an area known as A Moment, Fractured. In the distance you will be able to see an obelisk. To get there, you need to jump off a series of floating rocks that will appear as you approach. Make your way to the portal, then interact with it twice to unsubscribe. Your run will end and you will be taken back to the main menu.

Alternative obliteration

While this seems like a boring way to beat Risk of Rain 2, there is a different approach that allows you to fight a secret boss. It requires you to collect the lunar item known as the Beads of Fealty. If you interact with the Obelisk with the Loyalty Beads in your inventory, you will be transported to the area known as One Moment, Whole.

At Moment, Whole is a pale wasteland that contains one of four different Twisted Scavengers. These include Kipkip the Gentle, Guragura the Lucky, Wipwip the Wild, and Twiptwip the Devotee. These enemies have huge pools of health and each carries up to 30 different items.

Make no mistake, these leaders are tough. However, if you manage to take them out, you’ll be rewarded with a Scavenger’s Sack filled with ten lunar coins. You won’t see the end of the game, but at least you’ll be given a nice reward for your effort.

How to get the unofficial end of Risk of Rain 2

Depending on who you ask, there is also an unofficial third way to beat Risk of Rain 2. It involves creating such a ridiculous build that the game crashes. It’s not some sort of official ending; it’s more like some sort of meta-final. You “beat” the game in the sense that you have become so powerful that the software itself has collapsed under your force.

Getting to this point requires a fair amount of work. You’ve probably already seen how chaotic battles can be when you have huge stacks of items. The goal with this ending is to make those battles as chaotic as possible. This means building piles of items that instantly kill enemies, fill the screen with explosives, or create the need for such immense computation that the game simply can’t keep up.

Yes, that might be a bit silly. But that’s the point. Roguelike rides aren’t meant to last forever; something has to give at some point. This is why passionate fans prefer this unofficial ending – it shows that they have built up so much strength that the game itself has bowed to their will. This is meta.

That said, the only correct way to beat Risk of Rain 2 is to defeat Mithrix. This unlocks the true ending, which shows the final cutscene and credits. Clearing yourself to the obelisk is a decent way to finish your run, but if you really want to go all out, make a build so intense that the game crashes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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