Cyberpunk 2077: All Endings

We will tell you how to get all possible endings: which quests to do and which lines to choose in dialogues.

All endings

First of all, advance to the story mission “For Whom the Bell Tolls” – this is your point of no return. The further path will depend on the line chosen during the dialogue with Johnny on the roof.

Your decisions during the game do not affect the game’s ending in any way. We recommend that you save after Misty brings you to the roof. This way you don’t have to replay the first part to see all the endings.


Ending “Devil”

To move in the direction of this ending, select the line “I hope Arasaka does not fail” during the dialogue on the roof. After that, V will take omega blockers and continue on his way without Johnny.

In this scenario, we expect Hanako to fulfill his promise and remove the biochip from V’s head.

Important! To get the achievement “Devil” – Goro Takemura must be alive. You must rescue him during the story mission “Apartment 303”, despite the fact that the quest mark does not lead there.

Now complete the quests “The Beginning of the End”, “Brother and Sister” and “Far From Home”. As a result, V will end up on the space station and will go through a tedious series of tests over and over again after the operation.

Eventually Takemura will appear and say that it was not possible to help you. You are still dying and the only way to be saved is to join the Save Your Soul program.

If you sign the contract, V will leave the body, and Arasaka will keep her engram in Mikoshi until she finds a way to transfer it to a new body. If you don’t sign, V will return to Earth, but will die within a couple of months.


Ending “Star”

To move towards this ending, select the line “I will ask Panamas for help” in the dialogue on the roof. After that, V will take omega blockers and continue on his way without Johnny.

In this case, we expect to get to Mikosi with Aldecaldo and get help with the biochip from Alt Cunningham.

Important! You need to complete the Panam questline, which includes the Riders of the Storm, Don’t Call Saul, and Taming the Basilisk, to unlock this ending.

Now complete the quests “The family is not chosen”, “Frontline” and “Resident Evil”. Be sure to do a manual save after the fight with Adam Smasher. You will need this if you want to watch another ending.

To leave Night City with Aldecaldo, you need to select the line “I want to live life to the end” during a conversation with Alt in the “Disintegration” quest and go through the well.

After that, the mission “The Road to the Horizon” will be launched, in which V’s life with nomads will be shown. Unfortunately, according to the forecast, Alt will last only six months.


Ending “Moderation”

The beginning here is exactly the same as the Star ending, so just load your manual save that you made after the fight with Adam Smasher.

In a conversation with Alt Cunningham, you need to choose the line “Johnny’s body will remain, and I will leave.” In this case, V will forever lose contact with the body and leave with Alt for the Black Screen.

After that, the mission “New Dawn” will start, in which Johnny’s life without V will be shown. Alt predicts that the body will accept his construct, so he does not face a quick death.

Ending “Sun”

To move in the direction of this ending, select the line “I will trust you with the Bestia” in the dialogue on the roof. After that, V will take pseudoendotrizin and transfer control to Johnny.

In this case, we expect Johnny to get to Mikoshi with Bestia, and Alt Cunningham will help us with the biochip.

Important! You need to complete the Beast quest line, which includes the tasks “In the Footsteps of the Past” and “Old Drama”, in order to unlock this ending.

Now complete the quests “Like the Good Old Days” and “The Last Tango in Night City”. After the fight with Adam Smasher, the task “Disintegration” will start again, only this time Johnny will make the decision.

To become a Legend of “After Death”, choose the line “I’ll leave Alt, and you live.” In this case, Johnny will forever remain with Alt in cyberspace, and V will go back to his body.

After that, the mission “View from above” will start. V  will receive money and fame in the city, and will also become the new legend of “Afterlife”. As in previous endings, her life will be short.

If you select the “I’m not ready to die yet” option, Johnny will return to V’s body and start the “New Dawn” quest, which we saw earlier.


Bad ending

To move towards this ending, choose any of the three lines in the dialogue with Johnny on the roof. After that, you will have the option “You can get it over with now.” Select it and everything will end on this very roof with the sound of a pistol shot.


Secret ending

To unlock the secret ending, your relationship counter with Johnny must be at least 70%. Unfortunately, ours is firmly stuck at the 60% mark, so we could not verify the following.

In theory, you should be friendly with Johnny throughout the game, go to meet him when he asks to drive your body, and also reconcile him with Beast and Kerry.

We did all of the above, but still didn’t budge. Johnny may have reminded us of his alliance with the Network Watch agent who pissed him off, but that’s just a theory.


In any case, when you get to the 70% mark, go to the roof you already know. Then you need to wait and not choose any of the three options for a long time.

It may take you 5 minutes or more for Johnny to suggest you an alternative: to storm the Arasaka tower alone. The advantage of this option is that all your friends will remain alive.

But there is also a minus – it’s difficult. The save feature will be disabled. If you die, credits start immediately. If you get to the end, you still won’t get a new ending. You can choose between the endings “Sun” and “Temperance”.