
Atychiphobia.It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unjustified fear of failure , making mistakes, or making mistakes.


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  • 1 Atychiphobia
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Treatment
    • 1 Keys
  • 5 Sources


Although all people have fear of failure to some degree , it must be remembered that because it is a phobia we are talking about an extreme and irrational fear. Phobias prevent people from leading full lives, and in this regard, fear of failure results in a particularly crippling phobia, as those who suffer from it stop engaging in activities in which they fear failure. It has even been linked to fear of success, due to phobics unconsciously boycotting its possibilities. In this way, the same phobia can produce what causes fear.


Many times, the causes of this phobia can be traced to very demanding parents or siblings during childhood , or to having suffered shame and humiliation as a result of a minor failure. As time progresses and the person structures his personality, the fear of failure grows stronger. To top it all, our culture makes a cult of perfection both in image , in relationships, in career , etc. Although perfection is only an illusion , the phobic feels that he cannot rest until he has achieved it.

Symptoms of Atychiphobia

The most common symptoms are similar to that of other types of phobias, such as extreme anxiety mental pain of head , muscular tension, panic attacks which are accompanied by dry mouth , sweating , nausea and breathing accelerated; chronic digestive problems are also possible.

The previously mentioned symptoms appear when the atychiphobic is asked to start a new task or something that they previously know will not have 100% success. Thus, the mental process of the person will be so full of fear that the person can collapse or suffer from an attack in these situations. It is worth mentioning that if the symptoms are not treated, they can worsen over time, since loss of motivation and low self-confidence generally lead to the presence of depression .


The best way to overcome the phobia is to face what you fear gradually. Also, assuming that failure is a necessary step if success is to be achieved.

To start a treatment you must have the entire will and determination to face fear and overcome the fear of failure, it is a fact that at least some personal conviction is required for the treatment to be successful. Although specialists do not talk about a permanent cure for atychiphobia, it is possible to overcome it thanks to a change in thought processes in situations that generate fear. the drugsThey are not recommended for patients, as many doctors have claimed that the medications could mask the problem rather than directly treat it. Guidance and counseling have also been very successful when dealing with atychiphobia, because when the person visits a trusted counselor and exposes their problem, over time they may be able to open up and experiment with new coping strategies directly with stress . Self-help methods and hypnotherapy have also produced efficient results.

Keys And Suggestion for Atychiphobia

Some suggest these keys to overcome this phobia:

  1. Accept that you are afraid. We are all afraid, it is not a sign of weakness to admit it.
  2. Identify what your fear is. Sometimes it is not easy to recognize it. One trick is to discover what you want to achieve and the fear will be: to lose what we want to achieve. Example: the love of your partner – Fear of losing it.
  3. Relax ( relaxation techniques )and accept that failure is a necessary step if success is to be achieved . Failure is staying static and stagnant, being conformist and accepting a reality that does not make you happy. On the contrary, to fail and make mistakes is not to fail, but to learn and evolve.
  4. Become aware of your own abilities and also of your lack of skills and lack of knowledge in relation to that fear, which limits you and keep learning. If you do not know how to do something, it is probably because you have not yet dedicated enough time and effort to acquire the necessary knowledge, put it into practice and perfect it.
  5. Assess the consequences of acting or not acting:
    • Benefits to be achieved
    • Missed opportunities for not trying
    • The worst that can happen
  6. Make an emergency plan or safety mattress in case of failure. Value and accept the worst that can happen and try to improve it.
  7. Have a positive attitude and optimism. Eliminate all destructive thoughts from the mind: we are the masters of our mind and we can generate thoughts at will , be they positive or negative. To eliminate the fear of success, we generate thoughts of well-being and acceptance.
  8. Create a Strategy, using your improved resources and with a clear and defined goal.
  9. Acts: Take that to which fear gradually. According to recovered phobics it is the best way to overcome the phobia. Face as prepared as possible, with an emergency plan , thinking about the benefits and with a positive attitude.
  10. Burn your ships. When the ancient Greek navy traveled the seas towards a battle , the first thing they did when they disembarked at their destination was to burn the ships , which left them without a possible retreat and with the only option to win in order to return home. When success or failure are the only options, you have no choice but to move on.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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