Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: kill or banish Gorm?

It doesn’t take long for the story to begin Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, with the introductory sequence in Rygjafylke immediately thrusting you into the world and culture of a Viking. Before even setting sail for England, you will spend a little time with a certain Viking named Gorm. Gorm isn’t the ideal Viking, to say the least, and your first major decision in the game will be deciding his fate. If you can put aside your personal feelings for the character, we’ll see whether or not we should kill or banish Gorm.

Note that this decision is made early in the game, but it is relevant to the story and going over the consequences of each decision will reveal some minor spoilers for the game.

Gorm has proven himself more than worthy of punishment after running away from the fight after you kill Kjotve and not being man enough to fight you in a one-on-one duel. When the time finally comes for him to face the consequences of all his cowardice, three options are presented to him after King Harald asks for his opinion. Will you kill Gorm, banish him, or let the king decide for himself? While this may seem like a tough decision, it doesn’t really have much of an impact.

If you decide that enough is enough and that Gorm must be executed, King Harald will ignore your advice. In his opinion, a quick death is too good for someone like Gorm, and he will change Gorm Worm’s name and exile him instead.

King Harald likes this decision more than executing Gorm directly, and again he renames him a worm and casts him out. Naturally, this decision and the first are basically identical.

If you leave it to the king, as is to be expected by now, after praising your honor and reason, once again marks the man as Worm and condemns him to exile.

While it’s a bogus choice, since Gorm, or rather Worm, will always be in exile, you can still earn yourself a little more favor with the King depending on which answer you go with.


by Abdullah Sam
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