Ask questions about Hepatitis B!

In this post we have separated the most frequently asked questions about Hepatitis B and we will answer them. Check out!


What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?

The most common symptoms are nonspecific, similar to other viruses, like the flu. Fatigue, mild fever, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhea may occur. Some people develop jaundice (yellowed eyes and skin), dark urine, whitish stools and itchy skin.


Who should get the Hepatitis B vaccine?

Everyone who wants to protect themselves against Hepatitis B. In Brazil, the vaccine is available free of charge to the entire population , at birth up to 49 years old, regardless of risk. Populations at increased risk, such as health professionals, firefighters, among others, are also guaranteed the vaccine. If in doubt, consult the nearest health center. Many cities have a policy of vaccinating people who wish to receive the vaccine, regardless of age and risk.


How is the transmission done?

The hepatitis B virus is extremely contagious. Its transmission occurs through all biological fluids , mainly via blood (injections, transfusions) or sexual.


Can I get the disease by getting the vaccine?

No. The vaccines available in Brazil are produced by genetic engineering through the insertion of a plasmid containing the B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) in yeast. This means that there is no virus in the vaccine , only a piece of a protein, so it is not possible to acquire the disease by taking the vaccine.


Is there a cure for Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis is not always curable, but about 95% of cases of hepatitis B in adults are spontaneously cured and most of the time they do not need to be treated , requiring only some care with their food, avoiding alcoholic beverages, no make a lot of effort and drink plenty of water, so the body’s own cells can fight the virus.

Although the chances of cure are high in adults, some cases can progress to chronic hepatitis B, when the infection lasts more than 6 months. If this happens, the risk of serious liver damage like liver cirrhosis and liver failure, for example, increases and makes the chances of a cure very small.


by Abdullah Sam
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