ArcheAge Rogue Class Guide

Almost every MMO RPG has classes that fight with speed and stealth. These fighters are some of the most dangerous opponents in PvP, and very good damage-dealing in PvE.

There are two such classes in the ArcheAge game – these areKiller and Rogue… Both of them are melee fighters, both are great at dealing damage and using stealth skills. In this guide we will talk about the Rogue, but we will also describe his main differences from the Assassin.

This character is a typical “inviser”. Stealth is our everything, it is she who defines our methods of fighting and shapes the entire gameplay when playing a rogue. But what does this gameplay look like? This is what we’ll talk about now.

Key features of the Rogue class in ArcheAge

Two-handed weapon – has the highest basic attack damage, but the lowest attack speed.

Our fighter has three branches of skills, and it is advisable to pump all of them, if, of course, you want to play comfortably. The first branch is Assault . Most of all there are various attacking skills that are used by almost all melee fighters. Next comes Stealth . It is the skills that are included here that determine the gameplay when playing for our class. And finally, the last branch is Resistance . This includes mainly various defensive skills.

You are free to choose your armor and weapons , but it is best to use medium armor and two-handed weapons. Why is it so? Medium armor is a compromise between defense and damage, and they are just perfect for us. And two-handed hands are, of course, very slow, but the most powerful, which, in combination with our skills, gives a very good effect. So, a two-handed saber or a pike will suit our Rogue just perfect.

Unlike the not quite standard “Assassin” class, in which the Hypnosis specialization was misleading, the Rogue is very clear! Offense, Stealth, Resistance!

Remember when we talked about comparing Rogue and Assassin? So, these two classes have two of the same skill branches. These are Attack and Stealth – therefore the gameplay is similar.

But instead of Resisting the Killer, Hypnosis is available . This includes a wide variety of control skills, so this class is worse with protection, but much better with controls.

However, both the Assassin and the Rogue are quite capable of annihilating the enemy in a matter of seconds. The difference is not that big. The first class is somewhat better at control, and the second has a higher survivability due to skills from the Resistance tree. But believe me, both of these classes are deadly for a single target in both PvP and PvE. And both of them are very comfortable for both beginners and experienced players.

How to develop Rogue in ArcheAge

A rogue is a character who must cut out “weakly defended” targets as quickly as possible, and quickly move out of sight of enemies into a safe zone for himself.

So what skills should you choose for a rogue? In order – we need skills for dealing damage, for controls, for quickly moving around the battlefield (catching up with the enemy, or running away from him), and, of course, defensive skills – resetting other people’s controls and reducing incoming damage.

Oh yes, the Invisibility skill from the Stealth tree. We take it only at the 25th level, and this skill must be distinguished separately. Regardless of the build, every Rogue must take it.

Regarding the various combos, there are three simple but effective combinations. The first is Dash and Triple Hit. The second is Shatter of the Earth and Whirlwind of Strikes. And the third is Cobra Throw plus Massacre. All these options lead to overturning of the enemy, therefore, after any of these combos, you can “break” the enemy with another series of blows. After which, most likely, he will not rise from the ground. At least alive.

The decisive blow is our most powerful skill, under overload (fury) you can give fantastic damage to the enemy.

To get rid of controls, use the following skills – Broken Shackles, Iron Will and Indomitable. You should definitely take all three skills. This is especially true for PvP fans. Use Cobra Throw and Spell Steal to control opponents. The combos described above are also suitable for this purpose.

Don’t forget about attacks from the back.The classic rogue method is to get in from the rear and hit with a backstab. We have two such skills – it is Massacre and the Decisive blow. If you combine them with our buffs – for example, Fury or Adrenaline (two very useful skills from the Attack branch), then we inflict incredibly high damage.

By the way, if the enemy doesn’t want to fight with you in close combat, then it doesn’t matter. The Rogue has many ways to get to the enemy. The skills Teleportation and Ominous Shadow, as well as the already mentioned Dash and Throw of a cobra, will help us in this. In addition, you can catch up with the enemy using Agility. Well, you can break into a crowd of enemies and start sowing goodness and mercy with the help of the Vortex of Death. And if you need to run away from someone – use Bounce and Mirror. Also for protection you will need an Energy Shield and, possibly, Wings of Protection.

Medium armor, as the emphasis is on maximum damage and protection from mages.

Of the passive skills, you must definitely take Armor Rip in the Attack branch and Pain Suppression in Resistance (the first for damage, the second for defense). What can you take for the remaining skill points? From active skills, Hammer of Wrath (strong AoE with immobilization) or Throw of a Dagger (damages several enemies and slows them down) are useful. From passives, Fight Readiness, Death Dance, or Premonition may be useful.

Those who have loaded the Resistance branch can take Fast Teleportation – this will greatly increase mobility. And for Rogues who concentrate on PvE, the Innocent Trick skill will be useful. Last but not least, you shouldn’t take tank and gunner skills such as Lasso, Vacuum Blast, Pursuer Mark and Poisoned Arrow.


Who is the Rogue? This is a very comfortable class to play . It deals great damage, feels great in any group, and also has good survivability. It is this character that is best suited for beginners who want to try their hand at PvP. So go for it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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