Apple Watch 7 vs Garmin: which to choose

We were expecting a completely different Apple Watch 7 . Alas, the novelty has not received a new design, but has got new functions that will be relevant for athletes, a bright screen. While battery life still leaves a lot to be desired, Apple has taken another step towards bringing the wristwatch even closer to professional smartwatches like Garmin.

Apple Watch 7 vs. Garmin. Who is cooler?


  • 1Protecting Apple Watch 7
  • 2Workout on Apple Watch
  • 3Apple Watch 7 display
  • 4Cons of Apple Watch 7

Protecting Apple Watch 7

The IP6X-rated Apple Watch 7 is the toughest and most reliable smartwatch from Cupertino. This means that they are completely dustproof, so there is no chance of any particles getting inside the case. Therefore, if you are caught in a pouring rain or, by the way, in a sandstorm, you can be sure that nothing will happen to your gadget.

With these characteristics, the updated version of Apple Watch becomes suitable for wearing in extreme conditions: while on rafting on a mountain river, you don’t have to worry about breaking your watch on contact with water. Better take care of your own safety and do not forget to subscribe to our new channel at Pulse!

Apple Watch 7 is protected to the maximum

This feature has been actively used in the promotion of Garmin watches for a long time. In my opinion, the Apple Watch 7 is getting unrealistically close to its competitor: with such characteristics, there is a chance to lure Garmin fans over to their side, who previously considered the Apple Watch a mass device. It seems like Apple’s new watch is starting a new war.

Workout on Apple Watch

The Apple Watch on watchOS 8 has a ton of workout features. One of them is cycling training. The smartwatch can now detect when you are cycling to remind you to turn on the desired training mode. This is necessary so that your activity is counted more accurately. The workout pauses if you stop at a traffic light and then continues again. This version has improved support for electric bicycles (e-bike) – algorithms will more accurately determine the calories burned.

What is the cost of training with a smartwatch at Apple Fitness + ? This is incredible!

WatchOS 8 makes your workouts more fun not only with Fitness + journalist Artem Rakhmatullin appreciated a new function that determines a fall from a bicycle while riding. Imagine if the car had an accident, it was possible to contact the emergency services. Now Apple Watch can do the same. The function will work like this: if the watch detects that you fell and does not react in any way, it will call the emergency service – by analogy with the fall detection function. In this way, Apple is reaching more and more users – this time, they are cyclists.

Читайте также: Чем Apple Watch Series 7 отличаются от Apple Watch 6

Apple Watch 7 display

Garmin’s Fenix ​​line has a beautifully bright display that shows you everything even in very bright light. This is another of the chips that the company previously boasted when promoting its products – there are practically no such analogues. Apple Watch has taken a huge step by adding the Always On Display feature, which readers of our Telegram channel have enjoyed .

Apple Watch 7 screen gets brighter for better sun viewing

But Apple Watch 7 has become even cooler: the screen brightness has increased by 70% compared to its predecessor. This will allow you to see information without interrupting the activity, whether it is cycling or training in the gym. In addition, Apple said at the presentation that the new model will refract light around the edges of the display to create a smooth curving effect. Perhaps this is one of the main features of the new Apple Watch .

Cons of Apple Watch 7

The new Apple Watch 7 may seem attractive to owners of the same Garmin who own an iPhone – new features, the Apple ecosystem and all that sort of thing. The same autonomy is capable of scaring off potential buyers: Apple Watch 7 still has not become better in this regard. In this sense, sports Garmin are still the leader, as smartwatches last much longer (21 days in quiet mode or 60 hours with GPS on).

Apple Watch battery – a pain that lasts from year to year

Perhaps this scares away absolutely everyone who wants to buy an Apple Watch – to be honest, it’s hard to understand why Apple is not doing anything about it. If the watch has started to last longer, it hasn’t changed much since the Apple Watch 3 was released . In general, this is definitely worth thinking about.

Yes, the Apple Watch 7 didn’t turn out to be groundbreaking. However, like all the new items from the latest Apple presentation. But I’m sure that Apple, with the help of its new product, enters into a confrontation with the leaders of the premium smartwatch market. In a couple of years, we will see how athletes choose exactly Apple gadgets for their workouts in order to track their performance.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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