Annex: Goat cheese

Goat cheese. It is an excellent food as it is a concentrate of milk nutrients . The contribution of proteins of high biological value and the presence of the phosphorus , calcium and vitamin D complex stand out . 100g of this type of cheese has been shown to provide approximately 25g of fat, 20g of protein, 3.5g of mineral salts, 2.5g of carbohydrates, 49g of water and 315 calories.


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  • 1 Requirements for milk intended for the manufacture of cheese
  • 2 Elaboration
    • 1 Procedure
    • 2 Pressing
    • 3 Necessary utensils
  • 3 Source

Requirements for milk intended for the manufacture of cheese

It can be affirmed that all the milk that meets the sanitary and bromatological aspects guarantees the basic quality requirements for cheese making.

Hygienic quality implies that :

  • The milk comes from healthy animals and does not contain antibiotics(do not use milk after 4 days after applying the last treatment).
  • The milker is in perfect health and maintains the hygiene of his hands. The utensils will be washed with detergent or treated with hot water above 85 ° C (buckets, jugs, teats and stirrers).
  • Milk will be filtered, pasteurized at 63-65 ° C for 20-30 minutes, quickly cooled to the same temperature.
  • The workplace with ideal hygienic conditions.



Add to the pasteurized milk with constant stirring and chilled (34-35 ° C), 1/8 liter of yogurt for every 100 liters of milk (125 ml / 100 liters of milk) and 30 ml of calcium chloride prepared at 40% for every 100 liters of milk. The milk is coagulated by adding any of the commonly used coagulating enzymes, commercial rennet of animal or microbial origin, always with stirring and at a temperature of 34-35 ° C. In all cases, enough is added to obtain an initial clotting time of 10-15 minutes (at which time the milk loses its liquid condition and begins to clot or cut).

Cut the clot or curd approximately 40 minutes after initial coagulation into small pieces 1-2 cm on a side, using a stainless steel or aluminum instrument for cutting. The resulting grains will be uneven because horizontal cuts can only be made at an angle.

With the help of a trowel, long-handled ladle or other appropriate utensil, the agitation of the grains is started immediately to promote the expulsion of the serum. Shake slowly at start to avoid excessive breakdown of the beans and reduce losses.

Each 10 liters of milk can obtain approximately 1 kg of cheese. Keep stirring until the beans reach the proper consistency and size (approximately 40 min.). In this time the agitation does not have to be constant, it can be stopped 2 or 3 times for 3 minutes, as long as the grain maintains its individuality. Almost all of the serum is removed until a small film covers the grain.

With constant agitation, the grains are salted, slowly pouring a brine at 75 ° C, prepared as follows:

  • Calculate the amount of water based on 10% of the amount of milk processed (1 liter of milk / 10 liters of water).
  • Calculate the amount of salt at the rate of 3% of the amount of processed milk (0.3 kg salt / 10 liters of milk).
  • Dilute the amount of salt in the calculated water and heat it to a temperature higher than 85 C.
  • Filter the brine when pouring it.
  • Determine the desired salinity sensory after 5 minutes of stirring, taking a certain amount of grains in your hand and after squeezing and tasting it, discontinue or not the salting.
  • Pour the grains on a colander or cloth not very closed in order to let the serum drain spontaneously for 10-15 min.

If molds are not available, the cloth used to drain the grains will be useful, since the curd’s own weight is enough to continue draining the excess whey, if a knot is made to press it strongly.

If molds are available and all cupiera curd in one of them, pressing is carried out on the fabric itself.


Pressing is a simple operation aimed at enhancing the drainage of the serum. It is carried out in two steps: in the first one the weight is placed one or two times the weight of the cheese for one hour and in the second, the cheese is turned in its own mold and cloth, but with a weight equivalent to 3–5 times its own weight, for at least 1 hour.

The pressing time for fresh white cheese is normally 1 to 2 hours, but it can be prolonged if a drier product is desired. To guarantee the conservation and durability of the cheese, it should be refrigerated at temperatures below 10 ° C without reaching freezing.

Necessary utensils

  • Thermometer from 0 to 100 ° C.
  • Plastic, aluminumor stainless steel molds (with holes to favor the elimination of serum).
  • Vessels to pasteurize or coagulate the milk (it is preferable that the heating be done in a water bath)
  • Bucket, jug, strainer and fine linen.
  • Long-handled scoop and serum container and cutting instrument.


by Abdullah Sam
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