Android Essential Games: Scribblenauts Remix

How the emblematic series of games Worms the title that we are going to analyze today is characteristic, because it has gone through several platforms before being established in the Play Store, and that gives it added value, because it is one of those games that although we do not know, surely they sound familiar to us.

The concept in itself is great. A game where you can create whatever you want? And that you can use it at any time? Although current games have a lot of freedom, when this game came out back in 2009 for the Nintendo 3DS, it was an explosion of hype. Well, after having been on sale on several occasions, such as the famous LIMBO, it has become a benchmark. Scribblenauts Remix is ​​its name , and at Andro4all we tell you everything.

You are your own weapon

The game is based on a very interesting concept. In a 2D setting, we manage our hero, Maxwell , who has a notebook that manages to make everything we write come true A priori it may seem somewhat confusing and yes, it is a game more aimed at children, but its puzzles give a fortuitous anger to more than one.

We will have to go through worlds solving all the puzzles and completing all the missions, looking for as many stars as possible. To do this, we can create almost anything to be useful , in fact, it is the main way we will have to solve the missions. We must also clarify: we cannot create objects whose meaning or name is sexual, derogatory, or inappropriate. Logical, knowing the target audience.

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The most interesting comes when we discover that we can not only create objects, but living beings, animals … And create them the size and color that we want. Perhaps the biggest difficulty is that, surprisingly, at this point the game is not translated and is only available in English. Considering that it is paid and that the English barrier is there, this game has disenchanted many. But if English is not a barrier for you and you have some loose euros, it can be a very fun option and above all entertaining, since the game is not that it is short, precisely.

Creativity to power

Scribblenauts Remix is ​​paid in the Play Store of our Android. Its price is low, € 0.99. If you don’t care about English and want to try something new, I can assure you that this game is going to give you a lot more fun than you can expect.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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