Why we always believe that we are right

To believe is to take for granted what we think without the need to find something that refutes it. What we believe, then, is an obvious truth in itself. The psychologist Celia Antonini will address different themes in a series of audiovisual formats.
Austrian novelist Franz Werfel once said: ” For those who believe, no explanation is necessary: ​​for those who do not believe, every explanation is left over .” And so it is, because belief is the certainty we have about a fact or opinion, whose truth we admit without evidence.

In the mathematical language it is called axiom. Axiom means ” what seems fair ” or that which is considered obvious and without the need for demonstration. The word comes from the Greek (axioein) which means ” value .” Among the ancient Greek philosophers, an axiom was that which seemed to be true without any need for proof.

To believe is to take for granted what we think without the need to find something that refutes it. What we believe, then, is an obvious truth in itself . It is the certainty we have about a certain issue. There are no doubts or questions, nor do we need any demonstration. It is because we believe it.

We have beliefs about all aspects of our life, about the couple , money , sex , work , etc. The list is endless.

Axiom means “what seems fair” or what is considered obvious and without demonstration (Shutterstock)

Beliefs have an incalculable power . Whether we think we are going to move forward or if we are convinced that we will not be able to, in both cases, there will be nothing and no one who can stop us or change our mind.

If they try to show us that we are wrong, we will not only not change our mind, but we will seek the justifications and arguments necessary to defend what we think and that way, we will further strengthen the belief we have . That explains why, in most cases, a discussion about which is the best soccer team or political team does not get anywhere. When it comes to beliefs, nobody convinces anyone.

The only way to modify or reverse a belief is when we question it and begin to question it. We will not change a belief if it is the others who tell us that we are wrong.

Check your beliefs and question those that limit it, such as: ” I can’t, I don’t serve, I’m not worth it .” The strength of each of your beliefs will make what you think, become reality.


by Abdullah Sam
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