
. Defined area of ​​land or water, destined totally or partially on arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.


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  • Airport
  • track
  • Instrument flight path:
  • Decision height
  • Visual range on the Runway (RVR)
  • Threshold
  • Stop Zone (SWY)
  • Obstacle Free Zone (CWY)
  • Declared distances
  • 10 Platform
  • 11 Shooting Street
  • 12 Sources


All commercial destination airfield for the movement of passengers, luggage and cargo.
Area of ​​Movement
Part of the aerodrome to be used for take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft. It is divided into Maneuvering Area ( Landing area , taxiways, waiting sidings, etc.) and Platforms.


Rectangular area defined in a land aerodrome prepared for landing and take-off of aircraft.

Visual Flight Runway: Runway intended for aircraft operations that use visual procedures for approach.

Flight track by instruments:

One of the following types of runway intended for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures:

  • Runway for non-precision approaches : instrument flight path served by visual aids and a non-visual aid that provides at least adequate directional guidance for direct approach.
  • Runway for category I precision approaches : instrument flight path served by ILS and visual aids intended for operations up to a decision height of 60m and a visual range on the runway of the order of 800m.
  • Runway for category II precision approaches: instrument flight path served by ILS and visual aids intended for operations up to a decision height of 30m and a visual range on the runway of the order of 400m.

Decision height

Specified height at which a frustrated approach maneuver should be initiated if the visual reference required to continue the approach to land has not been established.

Visual Range on the Runway (RVR)

Distance to which the pilot of an aircraft that is on the axis of a runway can see the surface signs of the runway or the lights that delimit it or indicate its axis.


Start of the part of the track that can be used for landing.

Stop Zone (SWY)

Rectangular area defined in the terrain located after the available take-off route, prepared as a suitable area for aircraft to stop in the event of an interrupted takeoff.

Obstacle Free Zone (CWY)

Rectangular area defined on the ground or in the water and under the control of the competent authority, designated or prepared as a suitable area over which an aircraft can make a part of the initial ascent up to a specified height.

Declared distances

The introduction of stop zones and obstacle-free zones, and the use of thresholds displaced on the runways, have created the need for accurate information to be declared regarding the different physical distances available and suitable for landing. and the takeoff of the planes. To achieve this, the term declared distances is used with the following four distances associated with a given track:

  • Takeoff Route Available (TORA) : The length of the runway that has been declared available and suitable for the ground travel of an airplane taking off.
  • Take-Off Distance Available (ALL) : The length of the take-off route available plus the length of the obstacle-free zone, if any.
  • Acceleration-Prada Distance Available (ASDA) : The length of the take-off route available plus the length of the stop zone, if any.
  • Landing Distance Available (LDA) : The length of the runway that has been declared available and suitable for the ground travel of a landing plane.


Defined area, in a land airfield, intended to accommodate aircraft, for the purposes of boarding or disembarking passengers, mail or cargo, fueling, parking or maintenance. The platform is usually paved but sometimes it may not be, for example, in some cases, a platform provided with grass may be suitable for small aircraft.

  • Terminal platform It is a designated area for maneuvering and parking of the aircraft located next to the facilities of the passenger terminal or easily accessible.
  • Cargo platform: for aircraft that only carry cargo and mail, a separate cargo platform can be established next to the cargo terminal building. This separation is convenient due to the different types of installations that each of them needs on the platform and in the terminal.
  • Parking platform : a separate parking platform may be required at airports, in addition to the terminal platform, where aircraft can remain parked for long periods.
  • Service platform and hangars : a service platform is an uncovered area adjacent to a repair hangar in which aircraft maintenance can be performed, while a hangar platform is an area from which the aircraft leaves and enters a parking hangar.
  • Platform for general aviation : it is used by general aviation aircraft, for business or personal flights.


Route defined in a land aerodrome, established for taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between one and another part of the aerodrome, including:

  • Taxiway on the platform
  • Access street to the parking post.
  • Quick exit street.
by Abdullah Sam
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