advantages and disadvantages of print and electronic media

Advantages of Print Media


  1. Usually relatively inexpensive.
  2. Flexible (more flexible in determining the publication schedule for advertisements and newspapers that publish (whether local, regional or national) in relation to the target audience of the advertisement).
  3. Can be enjoyed longer.
  4. Market coverage, namely the kaba letter capable of reaching urban areas according to its area coverage.
  5. Comparison shooping, namely the newspaper text which is often used as a reference or reference for consumers in buying goods or services.
  6. Positive consumer attitude, namely the actuality of the information conveyed is also used as a reference for the reader.
  7. Repeatable, can be read many times by storing it.
  8. The price is more affordable and in terms of distribution.
  9. Better able to explain complex or rigid matters.
  10. Sharper analysis, can make people really understand the content of the news with a more in-depth analysis and can make people think more specifically about the content.


Lack of Print Media

  1. From time to time the print media has been slow to provide information. Because the print media cannot spread the news directly to the public and have to wait for it to be published.
  2. Print media can only be in the form of writing and print media can only provide visuals in the form of images that represent the entire news content.
  3. Production costs are quite expensive because the print media must print and send it before it can be enjoyed by the public.
  4. If the day is past, it is easy to ignore and quickly spoils, namely the Short life span; although it has a wide and mass coverage and can be documented, newspaper readers only need about 15 minutes to 30 minutes to read it and generally only read it once. In addition, the information age is only 24 hours after which it is considered outdated.
  5. Clutter, namely if the content and layout are chaotic, it will affect the meaning and understanding of the content of the advertising message by the reader.
  6. Limited coverage of certains group, namely certain groups that cannot be reached by newspapers, for example the middle to lower class of society or people under 15 years of age.
  7. And the type of material used is usually easily torn, meaning high mechanical interference, so that the information received is incomplete.
  8. Print media often only contains news that has been disseminated by other media.


Advantages of Electronic Media

  1. In terms of time, electronic media is relatively fast in spreading public news.
  2. Electronic media have audio visuals that make it easier for their audience to understand the news
  3. Roman “,” serif “;”> Electronic media reaches a wide audience.
  4. Can deliver news directly from the scene and can display the process of an event.
  5. Has a strong conveyance and influence because it can provide a combination of sound with (moving) images.
  6. Does not require reading skills and abilities as in print media. With pictures, everyone quite   understood the meaning.
  7. Can be enjoyed by everyone, both those with mental retardation.
  8. In radio media, great penetrability knows no obstacles. Radios that use SW, MW waves have the ability to penetrate a wide area so that the message conveyed can overcome distance, space and time.
  9. Radio can be received and heard in areas without electricity or not always requiring electric power.
  10. Radio is practical (portable can be carried anywhere) and audience selectivity.
  11. Overcoming illiteracy means that radio listeners are not required to be able to read.

Lack of Electronic Media

  1. There is no repetition, electronic media cannot repeat what has been broadcast.
  2. Time is limited, Can only be enjoyed briefly (messages pass very fast).
  3. Selective audience (not as sharp as other media possibly reaching inappropriate segments due to geographic waste).
  4. Not all places can be reached by television broadcasting waves.
  5. Alternative audience in selecting more stations (stiff competition)
  6. Not everyone has a television set seeing the relatively high price.
  7. On radio, listeners often do not listen fully because they are   interrupted by doing other work, experiencing the Noise Factor (especially MW and SW waves)
  8. On radio, it is difficult to convey complex messages and cannot be used to deliver abstract and complex programs.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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