What Is Adenomyosis;Causes,Diagnosis And Treatment

Adenomyosis is a chronic inflammation caused by the presence of endometrium in the muscular wall of the uterus.Usually,women aged between 35 and 50 suffer from it.The uterine adenomyosis is a disease where thickening occurs within the walls of the uterus causing  pain, bleeding or strong cramping, especially during menstruation. This disease is cured through surgery.

Causes of adenomyosis

According to some studies, moreover, among the causes of adenomyosis is also a hereditary factor.some common factors are underlying.

  • voluntary interruption of pregnancy
  • tubal ligation
  • multiple parts
  • Caesarean section
  • uterine surgery (removal of fibroids or polyps).

Symptoms of adenomyosis

The first symptoms of adenomyosis can arise 2 to 3 years after delivery.Adenomyosis does not always cause symptoms, however, symptoms usually appear after pregnancy and disappear after menopause. In addition to this, adenomyosis can be one of the causes of dysmenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding, which is often difficult to diagnose.

The main symptoms of adenomyosis are:

  • Swelling of the belly;
  • Very strong cramping during menstruation;
  • Pain during the intimate relationship;
  • Increase in the amount and duration of menstrual flow;
  • Constipation and pain when evacuating.

Diagnosis of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis can be one of the causes of dysmenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding, which is often difficult to diagnose.The diagnosis of adenomyosis should be made by the gynecologist, and is usually done through the realization of an MRI and through the observation of symptoms such as pain, intense bleeding or complaints of difficulty to get pregnant. In addition to this, the diagnosis of the disease can also be made using other imaging tests such as a transvaginal ultrasound or hysterosonography, for example, that evaluate the thickness of the uterus.

Can adenomyosis affect pregnancy?

Adenomyosis can cause serious complications in pregnancy such as ectopic pregnancy or abortion, being recommended the regular monitoring of the obstetrician, to avoid complications. In addition to this, in some cases adenomyosis can hinder the embryo’s fixation in the uterus, thus hindering pregnancy.The symptoms of adenomyosis usually appear after pregnancy due to the stretching of the uterus that occurs during this period, so that most women can become pregnant and have children before the onset of the disease.

Treatment for adenomyosis

The treatment for adenomyosis varies according to the sensed symptoms and should be guided by a gynecologist, and can be done with medications or through the performance of surgery. So the most used treatments are:

  • Treatment with anti-inflammatories such as Ketoprofen or Ibuprofen, for the relief of pain and inflammation;
  • Treatment with hormonal medications such as progesterone birth control pills, contraceptive adhesive, vaginal ring or IUD;
  • Surgery to remove excess endometrial tissue inside the uterus, in cases where adenomyosis is located in a certain region of the uterus and is not very deep inside the muscle;
  • Surgery for the removal of the uterus, where a total hysterectomy is performed, for the complete elimination of the uterus. In this surgery, the ovaries usually do not need to be removed.
by Abdullah Sam
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