Tendinitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

All over the world, athletes and some workers who perform a lot of physical effort, often ask for rest due to tendinitis. This condition, although it is not considered dangerous, does cause a lot of pain in those who suffer from it, reducing their mobility . Hence the importance of knowing everything related to this health problem.

In this article we will analyze what tendinitis is, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment to achieve relief.

What is known as tendinitis?

Tendonitis is inflammation or irritation of the tendon, the tissue that attaches muscle to bone . This condition causes a lot of pain and makes movement impossible. It can occur on wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and heels. It is possible to obtain improvement with a simple treatment that consists of rest, physical therapy and medications, such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

This disease is associated with various health problems. It occurs mainly in athletes, due to the tension they exert on the muscles. Some of the most frequent problems are the following.

  • Tennis elbow. A condition that causes pain on the inside of the elbow. It can be generated by repetitive movements in the elbow or wrist.
  • Golfer’s elbow. It is caused by irritation of the tendon that connects the elbow to the forearm. It is presented by forced movements in the wrist and fingers.
  • Pitcher’s shoulder. Pitcher’s shoulder, or rotator cuff tendinitis, is caused by sudden and excessive movements of the shoulder.
  • Swimmer’s shoulder. This problem is associated with swimmers because sometimes lack of swimming technique and overexertion can cause subacromial impingement.
  • Jumper’s knee. Patellar tendonitis arises from pressure. It affects the tendon that connects the patella to the tibia. This condition is common in athletes who jump a lot, such as basketball or volleyball players.

Any of these kinds of tendonitis should be evaluated by a health expert, in order to know the best way to proceed.

symptoms of tendinitis

The symptoms of tendonitis focus on the junction of the affected tendon with the bone. Usually they are as follows.

  • pain. It is often described as a dull ache that becomes intense when movement is exerted on the affected area.
  • Sensitivity. Any movement, no matter how small, can cause a twinge or mild pain.
  • swelling_ If the tendon inflammation is significant, you may notice some swelling outwardly in the affected area.
  • Sensation ofheat A sensation of irritation or heat may be produced at the junction of the tendon with the bone. This happens because they are usually surrounded by small nerves.

The symptoms of tendinitis can improve with rest and physical therapy , although in some cases the pain persists for a long time.

Causes of tendinitis

Tendinitis can appear after a sudden injury, but it usually develops from repetitive motions that put stress on the tendon . There are some factors that increase the risk of tendonitis. Let’s see some of them.

  • work. The body needs specific positions so as not to cause damage to the tendons, muscles and bones when carrying out different activities. Knowing the proper techniques for lifting weights, or using vibrating machinery, is essential to avoid short-term or long-term damage.
  • sports. Athletes, or those who play sports as a hobby, should learn the proper ways to perform certain movements to avoid swelling or tearing.
  • Age. With advancing age, the flexibility of the tendons is lost, making a person more prone to damage and injury.

The appearance of this problem affects men and women equally, so we must all take into consideration how to avoid or treat it.

Diagnosis of tendinitis

For the diagnosis of this disease, a physical evaluation is usually enough , however, the doctor may suggest imaging tests to rule out other problems, especially those that may have similar symptoms, for example, bone wear.

It is recommended to visit the doctor if there is mild pain, which increases after a couple of days, or after severe inflammation caused by a bad movement. It is important not to self-medicate. The doctor, apart from the relevant medications, can also recommend exercises and therapies to avoid further mistreating the affected tendon.

treatment for tendonitis

For a case of tendonitis, treatment can be aimed at relieving pain and reducing inflammation in the area . This can be accomplished at home with rest, ice, and whatever medications your doctor has suggested. Rest is essential to reduce pressure on the tendon. It may also help to immobilize the area with splints, wrist braces, slings, or elastic bandages.


Among the recommended medications, endorsed by health experts and with proven effectiveness, are the following.

  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatories. Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen , and naproxen help relieve inflammation and pain. The most effective presentation is oral, but they can also be obtained for topical use.
  • Cortisoneinjections . Corticosteroids are very efficient in reducing inflammation, but it must be taken into account that they can weaken the tendon, increasing the risk of rupture.
  • Platelet-rich plasma. For this treatment, the patient’s own blood is prepared and injected into the affected area. This treatment is still under analysis to verify its effectiveness in treating tendinitis.

The use of drugs must always be approved by health professionals, who will take into consideration both the health and the effects of each drug.


Physiotherapy helps strengthen the junction of the tendon with the muscle It focuses on correctly and gently moving the affected tendon, until it has fully recovered its mobility. Various exercises can also be done at home. The physiotherapist should indicate the correct way to perform them and how often.


If the aforementioned treatments do not favor the improvement of the tendon, or if the tendon has detached , surgery is necessary. First, it is about helping with dry needling, ultrasonic sound waves and, as a last option, corrective surgery.

The correct treatment of tendonitis is important to avoid risks of a tendon rupture, or the disease called tendinosis. Which causes tendon wear and malformation of new blood vessels.


by Abdullah Sam
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