6 tips for desperate students

Due to the scope of undergraduate courses, many students, especially those who are in the first years of college, tend to feel lost without knowing which routine study model best suits their daily lives.

In this scenario, the adoption of a study schedule makes all the difference, both in the organization and in the management of the time available to study, memorize and understand disciplines that will influence the following years of your course.

Today, we are going to list six main tips for you to do well in your studies. Follow along.

  1. Discipline is the keyword

This is the golden tip, after all, the discipline ensures that you establish a habit that must be followed throughout the period that begins with entering college and continues even after the completion of the course.

As you understand the importance of being disciplined, especially in studies, the chances of understanding certain subjects in the curriculum are higher, which ends up directly influencing your performance during your study routine.

  1. Organize your schedules and available time

Every student knows how valuable every second of the day is and should be taken full advantage of. Dedicating a few hours a day to review materials, exercise and prepare for exams is essential for the study schedule to be well used.

A practical way to organize the periods of your day is to leave each one of them (morning, afternoon and night) written down in a physical or electronic diary, always listed by appointments (classes / internships), and trips (return to and from college / job).

Thus, it is easier to view the free periods and use them to study subjects that require more attention.

  1. Make use of useful tools and applications

Technology has come to make our lives easier in all spheres, be it personal or professional academic. Taking advantage of the right way, the student can be extremely benefited by the ease that these tools offer.

A good strategy is to invest in spreadsheets and applications that focus on academic organization and productivity. Evernote, Google Calendar and Excel, for example, are tools that are available for free and can be configured in a few seconds on the smartphone itself.

  1. Avoid distractions

This is the number one rule for the freshman who needs to focus for long periods. The best method is to move away from crowded spaces with lots of interactions, so look for a quiet place with as few people as possible.

Turning off the smartphone is also another recommended measure to control the impulse to check every minute for news on social media.

  1. Make a list of priorities

As it encompasses a series of fields, undergraduate courses end up demanding more and more from students who need to differentiate structures and systems as they deepen in the disciplines of the curriculum.

Knowing what should be studied first and prioritizing each subject according to its difficulty and ease of understanding is essential to not get lost.

  1. Have free time to organize ideas

Study and rest need to be in balance if you want your productivity not to be compromised during the hours you are poring over books or paying attention to the teacher.

Adopting a study routine can be challenging at first. However, once defined, learning becomes faster and the student realizes how much a disciplined routine influences the development of focus and concentration.

So take the time to do what you like, rest, go out with friends, family and etc. Soon, you will realize how a rested mind tends to retain more information over the years of learning.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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