6 most popular diseases in the office man

Money is the fourth fundamental human need for life. Causing many people to work round the clock To provide us with the so-called “money” is an exchange rate to spend on the needs of each family, especially “salarymen” who work continuously. Without taking care of one’s own health Neglecting until it makes the body unbearable And having to face various diseases without knowing it, let’s take a look at the most popular diseases that people in our office are together, what will be better to read?

  1. Acid reflux The
    cause of this disease is stomach disorders. Or esophagus And / or lower esophageal sphincter Causing food to stay in the stomach longer than usual And increase the chance of acid reflux into the esophagus more Because of the office man Must race against the rush Therefore, they tend to eat one dish that is convenient and mostly less useful. Which foods are high in fat and chocolate is a food that causes the esophageal sphincter to loosen and shrink the stomach. And is the source of acid reflux disease
  2. High blood pressure
    This disease can be said to be very scary. Because it is a hidden silent threat Most often they do not show symptoms. Or show symptoms, but most people may ignore such as dizziness, headache, if the correct treatment is not received. May lead to other complications, the cause of this disease From disorders of the nervous system, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, there are many factors that affect blood pressure. With increasing age, mental, emotional and stress Which are all coming from work But for some it is inherited These causes are a major factor in the development of hypertension.
  3. Insomnia. The
    cause of this disease can be several factors together. Physical, mental and environmental Which is physical, such as illness or fever Psychologically, this is an important part of stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and sometimes stress. Or accumulated stress from work Is the main reason That makes us unable to sleep Environmental parts such as noise or weather During this time, Thailand is hotter than usual, it can cause insomnia as well.
  4. Back pain
    This disease is really compatible with all sexes and ages. But now Found more in working age Also known as Office Syndrome symptoms, which, if ignored and not treated, will affect everyday life quite severely. Which causes of this disease Most of it comes from physical movement. And using the latter in a wrong manner for a long time, such as people who have to work in front of a computer Especially people who lift heavy objects often Most have pain only in the back. Or there may be back pain fracturing to the hip or leg. Leg pain is also pain along the area fed by the pinched nerve. Additionally, there may be pain in your legs when walking short distances. And symptoms worsen when standing up, sitting down and doing certain movements Or at night And may feel numbness or tingling on any part of the body In which, if you have these symptoms, we should see a doctor.
  5. Obesity
    Of course, in Thailand, obesity rates are increasing. This can be seen from the second highest patient statistics among ASEAN countries. After Malaysia Which is caused by eating foods that contain carbohydrates And too much sugar Not all 5 groups, too. Eating Fast Food often, desserts, crunchy snacks And most importantly, lack of exercise Oh … an office man like us. Do everything according to the obesity rule, right? (Sigh)
  6. Migraines Migraine
    headaches are quite obvious: one-sided headache, throbbing, pulsing headache, and no action. And sometimes accompanied by vomiting There are many factors that trigger migraines, such as bright sunlight, lack of sleep or staying up late, which foods can trigger migraines as well, such as alcohol, chocolate, cheese, and even birth control pills that can trigger migraines.

From the 6 diseases mentioned above, it can be concluded that the behavior of self-care behavior. Live a very wrong life and don’t take care of your health as you should. 6 These diseases or any other disease besides the 6 most popular diseases will definitely be asked for.

Therefore, we should adjust the style of life. Take care of yourself Work properly Make time to exercise, pay attention to your health, and choose healthy meals. Find activities to do to relax the mood from work for the whole week. So as not to be stressed and too stressful Just this will make office workers like us who can’t avoid hard work. But can be in good health


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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