How is the man who flirts the most

How is the man who flirts the most ? How old is he? What is his personality like? Is there really a prototype of a guy who has more sex ? Well, it seems so, dear reader.

All the men who are most successful in the heterosexual love market share the same qualities, defects and personality traits .

And we don’t say it, but researchers from the University of Queensland , who carried out a study after analyzing 2,998 men and 1,480 women. Their conclusions point in only one direction: there are certain combinations that give men a certain advantage when it comes to flirting.

Men flirt more: they have sex 66.5 times a year, while women 57.2

“Science doesn’t really know for sure which traits influence reproductive behavior in humans, but our findings suggest that particular combinations may give men an advantage when it comes to sex and reproduction ,” the study authors write. .

In addition, and aside, they are more successful when it comes to fooling around and getting older . A recent investigation revealed that men have sex 66.5 times a year, while women 57.2. However, we question it, since due to the different (and absurd) social conventions of what is seen as bad or good, men tend to inflate the number and women tend to reduce it.

Be that as it may, what is clear, and proven, is that those who succeed more (and more often) between the sheets have these characteristics :

1) From all the gym

Either they go to the gym or they are in shape thanks to mother nature. Researchers have shown that those who take the most care of their physical appearance  are the ones who succeed the most, in a sexual sense, with the opposite sex.

However, we have to tell you, reader, that chubby people enjoy sex more , even if they do it less. The Nobel Prize in Medicine James Watson ensures that fat reinforces the generation of endorphins and a hormone related to sexual desire.

Researchers have shown that those who take the most care of their physical appearance are the most successful

2) They are extroverts

Greater extraversion has been associated with more children . Guys who are talkative, dependable, and funny flirt more than guys on the other side.

And it makes sense: most of the time a woman is conquered by hearing , and not by sight, as many believe.

3) They are nice

The study has found that agreeable men have more sex. It’s obvious: if you treat people well, they will (usually) respond to you in the same way. And if we talk about flirting, the effect is multiplied.

We no longer go into issues of chivalry (something that many women still like, by the way), but rather issues of knowing how to behave and good manners. No one wants to get into bed with a rude guy. Well, hardly anyone, there is everything in the Lord’s vineyard.

The opposite sex is very attracted to seeing that their potential partner is daring, and people who smoke are seen that way

4) They smoke

Smokers are seen as risky people, who are in danger (of death, in this case). Researcher  Eveline Vincke , from the University of Ghent in Belgium, revealed that the opposite sex is very attracted to seeing their potential partner being bold: “For short-term sexual encounters, physical risk-takers have been shown to succeed more cautious.”

Eye, don’t smoke .

5) They are emotionally stable

Women, and most non-masochist mortals, are attracted to a formed personality and a certain maturity. And this is only given by age or lived experiences. A 23-year-old can be just as emotionally stable as a 50-year-old (and if we talk about divorcees or men in crisis at 40 , the statistics skyrocket…).

In this case, research has shown that those men who keep their emotions balanced flirt more than those with ups and downs.

Men who tend to get drunk or hook up have 20% more sex than those who don’t

6) They drink alcohol

Men who tend to get drunk or hook up have 20% more sex than those who don’t. What the research does not reveal is whether the couples with whom they succeed are also having drinks.

Still, it makes sense. Those who have more social life , inevitably and more in Spain, will end up drinking alcohol. And the more you go out, the more people you meet and, therefore, the more leagues.

7) Not very smart

Being intelligent is perhaps essential to succeed in life, but not to do it horizontally . Those with the lowest IQ are the most devastating… in the short term. We assume that when the woman realizes who she has slept with, she does not repeat much.

And up to here. Tell us, do you flirt a lot? If so, what traits do you have?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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