5 smart tips to lift your spirits when you feel unsuccessful

very now and then, self-confidence plummets. We tell ourselves that we will never succeed in anything. Then it’s good to think of basketball legend Michael Jordan – considered by many to be the world’s best basketball player of all time. When he went to high school, however, he was not at the top, on the contrary. He was not considered to have talent and was not allowed to play with the school’s basketball team.
Walt Disney was 22 years old and was fired from the magazine he worked for because he was not “sufficiently” creative and imaginative.
Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison are other legendary, successful people who were convinced they were born losers, but were, well, very successful.

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1. Do not be so hard on yourself because you do not have all the answers in advance
You can only plan to a certain limit, then it is up to a lot of unpredictable extremes that determine whether we succeed or fail. Give yourself an acknowledgment that you did your best and forgive yourself for not really reaching the end.

2. Stop comparing and judging
The only thing you should compare is what you yourself succeed in achieving based on your own conditions. Keep in mind that others succeed (and fail) from their endeavors. Do not believe that everyone is so much smarter and more creative than you. We only see what other people want us to see.

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3. Look at your failures as experiences
It is clear that you get depressed when it comes to the barrel. But there is always something you can learn from your setbacks. Thomas Edison did not let himself be discouraged because he repeatedly failed when he invented the light bulb. Instead, he told himself that he had not failed but had obtained 10,000 proofs of the ways that did not work.

Stop looking at yourself as a victim
No one is born with constant bad luck. It is easy to like yourself when it takes a long time, but try to see the positive in what is happening. What can you learn from your mistakes? Can you do something to prevent you from making the same mistake over and over again?

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5. Talk to Others
It is just as easy to isolate yourself when you feel depressed and unsuccessful. But make sure you are not alone. Talk to others and be reminded of how many people have made the same mistake and experienced the same things as you.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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