5 Examples of Persuasive Letters in Business Communication

There are various examples of persuasive letters in business communication that are issued in order to achieve certain business goals. The business wheel can be run well when the communication process in it can be done well too. In business communication, one form that is commonly done is through the correspondence process. The letter serves to connect one company with another company in order to reach certain agreements. Therefore, the term persuasive letter is also known as a type of letter to encourage cooperation. (Also read: Examples of persuasive functions in organizational communication )

Here are some types of letters that can be used as examples in business communication. These letters are usually written using certain offer languages ​​and invitations that attract other companies to collaborate as a form of persuasive communication techniques . Not only between companies, through this persuasive letter, a businessman can also spread his offer directly to other individuals. What are some examples? Check out the following summary:

  1. Education and Training Letters

In a business, sometimes the development in it requires an education and training. Persuasive letters can be used to submit this education and training to other institutions. This can support business processes to become more progressive. Persuasive letters are also usually quite effective in proposing education and training for the development of the business. (Also read: Types of business communication )

  1. Business Cooperation Letter

Other companies or business institutions will collaborate with other parties to develop their business. Persuasive letters can also be used to establish this cooperative relationship. Of course this will be adjusted to how the goals of cooperation will be achieved in the company. Business cooperation can be established through the use of this persuasive communication .

The writing of this letter will also use formal languages ​​that impress professional attitudes. The hope is that the invitation for cooperation can be approved by the parties concerned. Thus, the business will increasingly develop and move forward because of the efforts to capture cooperation like this.

  1. Investment Application

Cooperation between business people can be in the form of investment. This investment application can also use persuasive letters. The languages ​​used still prioritize professional, formal languages. It will also include certain invitations that allow businesses to attract investment. In this letter usually also will be shown what benefits can be obtained by other parties when joining to invest.

  1. Research Funding Letter

As with other points, a research financing letter is also an example of a persuasive letter in the form of business communication . Usually the submission of this offer will also be accompanied by a number of interesting things that could invite other parties to be interested in being involved in the financing. Research funding is beneficial for the progress of the business itself. When business people find new techniques in business, of course this will also affect the financial provider.

  1. Product Sales Letters

Offering products or services to other parties is a natural thing in the business world. Persuasive letters can be used to sell these products. The contents might be more to things that are promotive. But this is also quite effective. The form of the letter will offer more of what are the benefits of the product and the invitation to use it. (Also read: Use of technology in business communication )

Some examples of persuasive letters above are general examples that we can find in business communication. Letters are part of communication that can be an effective media. In addition, the letter can also be documented more validly so that this can be a track record in doing business. We can look for more examples of persuasive letters in business communication to broaden our horizons.


by Abdullah Sam
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