5 activities to do with him before you get married

Many men and women can plan their lives together with their loved one, although this is a just wish that does not always work, all because these couples have not prepared themselves enough to live their lives together.

To have happiness and success in marriage, it is necessary, first of all, planning. This also requires measures and attitudes on the part of couples in love. Not ignoring the simple things can help you to marry the ideal person who will always be by your side on happy and sad days.

Observe 5 simple activities to do with him before making the wedding decision:

  1. Visit someone in trouble

Watching the partner’s attitudes in difficult situations will allow you to know whether or not he is a person prepared and mature to deal with the challenges of marriage. Observe if he is willing to support a friend or even a family member with problems, this can help him to see traits of who he is, a supportive or selfish person.

Learning about your partner’s qualities is valuable, however, learning about your quirks and flaws is essential, before sealing marriage vows.

  1. Family reunions

Being with your partner among your family members will help you to have a brief perception of your character, as the way he behaves with you or your family members will impact your decision. And this needs to be done many times, because the first time, the person may even wear a mask and appear to be friendly, however, no one keeps masks for a long time, because the truth about who we are cannot be hidden.

  1. Go back to the same places

Try to go out in places that you have been before, such as the same restaurant or cafeteria, this is of great value for you to be able to observe the way he treats people around him, because respect and honesty are necessary principles to be successful in marriage, and are also characteristics that reveal a person’s character. If he is not honest or respectful of others, it is certain that he will not be with you either.

  1. Activities with friends

Couples are always surrounded by other couples, but men happen to be jealous to the point of forbidding friendships with their partners. This type of relationship tends to become abusive and suffocating after marriage, which is why it is important to assess your partner before marriage.

True love idealizes the best and friends are part of it all, because friends strengthen and provide joy, without them life becomes empty. If your partner takes them away from you, it is a sign that he will suck up all the good things you build in life, so you better rethink this relationship.

  1. Do an enterprise together

A joint venture can help you realize how important you are in your partner’s life.

Many divorces happen due to financial problems, so starting an enterprise with your partner can show you that he is a balanced, honest and true man, because love is always found in sincerity and in truth.

A bad man does not respect feelings, he lives on his own interests, he is too selfish to try to build something with someone. Unlike the good man who will do anything to honor the commitment to ensure the well-being of the relationship.

A good man will never try to deceive you or lie to you, he will never violate the bonds of trust that exist between you, he will always add to your life and will never subtract.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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