4 YouTube Tricks for Android

We are almost sure that you use YouTube on your Android mobile and that you spend a lot of time on the platform. Today we review several YouTube tricks for Android that are in the application settings and that you have probably never used before. They are very interesting and can help you get more out of the application. Some are related to statistics, others to history and also to the functions of the application itself . If you use YouTube you must know these tricks.

Try these 4 options that will improve your day to day on YouTube

It is very likely that you just open the YouTube application and see what it recommends to you to continue watching videos for a long time. With the following tricks you will be able to see utilities, statistics and improve some of the functions that the video application has. Do you want to improve the way you use YouTube? Go for it!

Remove YouTube autoplay

Are you tired of the fact that when one video ends, another starts automatically? You probably don’t know, but YouTube for Android gives you the ability to remove this autoplay from videos . If you deactivate it, when a video ends, the recommendations will appear but another will not start automatically.

You just have to click on the icon of your profile, go to settings and then enter ‘ Automatic Play ‘. To end it, you must deactivate the switch of the first and only option.

Make YouTube double tap pass more or less seconds

You probably know the double tap function when the playback is on. This feature makes it easy to skip a few seconds of video to skip introductions or parts that don’t interest you. By default they skip or go back 10 seconds when you double tap . Now we tell you that it can be more or less time if you wish.

Enter YouTube settings, click on ‘General’ and then scroll down to the option called ‘Double tap to go forward or backward’. A pop-up window will open where you can select how many seconds you want it to go forward or backward when you double tap.

Clear or pause search and playback histories

YouTube is like Google Chrome and saves everything you see and search in a playback history. There may be certain videos or content that you don’t want stored in these stories. YouTube allows you to do two things: clear your history or pause it.

The second option is the most interesting, as it will not condition the rest of the history . If you pause, a history will not collect information about what you do within YouTube until you deactivate the pause. This option can be found by going into settings and then under ‘History and Privacy’.

YouTube watch hours statistics

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend watching YouTube? The application itself has a system so that you know which days of the week are the most important and how many hours you spend watching videos on YouTube.

These statistics can be found by clicking on your profile icon and entering the option ‘Your viewing time’. There you can take a look at the time you spend watching YouTube videos on a weekly and daily basis.

These are some of the most interesting tricks and options found in the YouTube settings for Android . Try them to be able to enjoy a better application adapted to your needs and tastes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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