30 Examples of Shaft and up

Asta is a noun that generally refers to the flagpole of a flag ( The flag is at half mast for national mourning ). It can even be a preposition  ( I will go  to  the market to buy supplies ) or an adverb ( Even a child would realize that ).

The words “asta” and ” hasta ” are homophones , that is, they sound phonetically the same but their meaning is different and they are written differently. In orality, when we hear any of these words, we may not be certain whether it is written with H or not, that is why sometimes confusion can be generated.

  • See also:  Words with H

When is each used?

  • Pole . It is a common noun that may be referring to the pole from which a flag is hung, the horn of an animal or some type of pointed weapon. For example: The bull thrust a spear and man fainted.
  • Up to . It is a preposition that indicates the end of a trajectory or the maximum limit of something, or it can function as an adverb with the meaning of “even”. For example: Until I return, I will not move from here.

Examples of sentences with “asta”

  1. The deer antler is a plant that needs a lot of moisture.
  2. The man nailed the flagpole and the animal bled to death.
  3. The flagpole is broken and cannot be repaired.
  4. Among the trees, there was an antler that looked like a deer.
  5. The flag flew triumphantly from the ship’s mast .
  6. The government ordered all flags to be hoisted at half mast during the three days of mourning.
  7. The peasant was wounded by a bull’s horn and had to be treated urgently.
  8. To paint with precision, it is advisable to hold the brush firmly by the shaft .
  9. The ship was approaching with the flag at half mast and everyone feared the worst.
  10. The vet examined the animal’s antler for a long time.
  11. They will install a flagpole in the castle to display the official flag.
  12. The elk antler bone begins to grow in the spring.
  13. The shaft of the spear snapped in the middle as soon as it touched the animal’s body.
  14. The soldier sang the hymn and looked at the flagpole excitedly.
  15. He took the bull firmly by a pole and managed to subdue the beast.

Examples of sentences with “hasta”

  1. We will be here until we feel like it.
  2. Even a child would realize what is happening.
  3. He will not stop insisting until they say enough.
  4. The restaurant is open until midnight.
  5. We will talk everything necessary until we find a solution.
  6. The water was already up to his neck and he knew it would be the end.
  7. He ate until busting and now is broken.
  8. The patient will be hospitalized until he is out of danger.
  9. I’ll go to the front door to see if it rains.
  10. I like everything about you, even your flaws.
  11. The bird soared into the sky and was lost on the horizon.
  12. I’ll carry the luggage to the car while you finish closing the windows in the house.
  13. He worked at the same company from day one until he retired.
  14. The tension was very noticeable, even I realized that they were fighting.
  15. We won’t go out until the rain stops.
by Abdullah Sam
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