In a narrow sense , socialization is the process of learning someone to know their surroundings, be it the physical environment or the social environment.
This recognition is done by individuals to adjust to the surrounding environment which will equip themselves in a wider association.
Whereas in a broad sense , socialization is the process of interaction and learning of a person from birth to death in a community culture.
In this case, the newborn will also socialize. A baby first gets to know his social environment, that is, the closest environment , namely his family and relatives.
As time goes by, this introduction will expand to the community such as the social environment, the social community, the work environment, and others.
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The socialization process also adopts various things from other people, including:
- Habits
- Attitude
- Ide-Ide
Furthermore, these three things are rearranged into a system that regulates its own behavior.
The notion of adoption does not simply imitate the behavior of others. However, what is observed from other people tries to be imitated and at the same time adapted to his condition.
Definition of Socialization According to Experts
The following are the opinions of several social experts regarding the meaning of the socialization process:
- Charlotte Buhler
The definition of socialization according to Charlotte Buhler is a process that helps individuals learn and adapt to how to live and how to think in groups, so that they can play a role and function in their group.
- Koentjaraningrat
The definition of socialization according to Koentjaraningrat is the whole process in which an individual from childhood to adulthood develops, relates, recognizes and adapts to other individuals who live in the surrounding community.
- Irvin L. Child
The definition of socialization according to Irvin L. Child is a whole process that requires individuals to develop their potential for actual behavior that is believed to be true and has become a habit and in accordance with the standards of their group.
- Peter L. Berger (1978)
The definition of socialization according to Peter L. Berger is a process in which a child learns to become a member who participates in society.
- Robert M.Z. Lawang
The definition of socialization according to Robert MZ Lawang is the process of studying norms, values, roles and all other requirements needed to enable effective participation in social life.
- Prof. Dr. Nasution, S.H.
Definition of socialization according to Dr. Nasution is the process of guiding individuals into the social world.
- Sukandar Wiraatmaja, MA
The definition of socialization according to Sukandar Wiraatmaja is a process that begins when a person is born to be able to know and obtain attitudes, understanding, ideas, and behavior patterns that are approved by the community.
- Drs. Suprapto, S.U.
Definition of socialization according to Drs. Suprapto is a learning process to interact in society according to the role it plays.
- Hasan Shadily
The definition of socialization according to Hasan Shadily is a process in which a person begins to accept and adapt to the customs of a group. Where gradually he will feel part of that group.
- Jack Levin dan James L. Spates
The definition of socialization according to Jack Levin and James L. Spates is a process in which culture is transmitted and internalized by individual personalities.
- John C. Macionis
The definition of socialization according to John C. Macionis is a lifelong social experience, where individuals can develop their potential and learn about their cultural patterns.
- Edwar A. Ross
The definition of socialization according to Edwar A. Ross is the growth of our feelings. Where this feeling will lead to group action.
- Laurence
The definition of socialization according to Laurence is the process of education or training of someone who is not experienced in a culture and trying to master culture as the next aspect.
- Bruce J. Cohen
The definition of socialization according to Bruce J. Cohen is the processes of humans studying the ways of life in society to acquire personality and build their capacities to function properly as individuals and as members of a group.
- Edward Shils (1968)
The definition of socialization according to Edward Shils is a social process carried out by a person or a lifelong process that an individual needs to go through to become a member of a group and its society through cultural learning from the group and society.
- Paul B. Horton (1987)
The definition of socialization according to Paul B. Horton is a process of a person internalizing the norms of the group in which he lives so that a unique self emerges.
- Nursal Luth
The definition of socialization according to Nursal Luth is a process when individuals accept and adapt to their society.
18.Soerjono Soekanto (2004)
The definition of socialization according to Soerjono Soekanto is a social process where an individual gets the formation of attitudes to behave in accordance with the behavior of those around him.
- David B. Brinkershoft dan Lynn K. White
The definition of socialization according to David B. Brinkershoft and Lynn K. White is a process of learning the roles, status and values required for participation in social institutions.
- James W. Vander Zanden (1990)
The definition of socialization according to James W. Vander Zanden is the process of social interaction where people acquire essential knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviors to participate effectively in society.
- David A. Goslin (2004)
The definition of socialization according to David A. Goslin is a learning process experienced by a person to acquire knowledge, skills, values and norms so that he can participate as a member of his community group.
- Charles R. Wright
The definition of socialization according to Charles R. Wright is the process when individuals get their group culture and internalize to a certain degree their social norms, thus guiding the person to take into account the expectations of others.
- Anthony Giddens (2007)
The definition of socialization according to Anthony Giddens is a process that occurs when a weak baby develops actively through step by step until finally becoming a person who is aware of himself, a person who is knowledgeable and skilled about his way of life in the culture where he lives.
- William J. Goode (2007)
The definition of socialization according to William J. Goode is a process that young people must go through to gain values and knowledge about their group and learn about their social roles that are suitable for their position there.
- Sutaryo (2005)
The definition of socialization according to Sutaryo is the process of learning about patterns of interaction in society according to their respective roles and social status.
- Ritcher JR. (1987)
The definition of socialization according to Ritcher JR is the process of a person acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes that they treat in order to function as an adult and at the same time as an active actor in a certain position or role in society.
- Broom and Selznic
The definition of socialization according to Broom and Selznic is the process of building or instilling group values in a person.
- Stewart
The definition of socialization according to Stewart is the process of people gaining trust in the attitude of values and habits in culture. Through the socialization process, a person will grow whose rights because of the characteristics of the group are never equally absorbed by each group member.
- Karel J. Veeger
The definition of socialization according to Karel J. Veeger is a teaching and learning process.
- According to KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)
The definition of socialization according to KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary) is:
- Efforts to convert private property to public property (state property).
- The learning process of a member of the community to know and live the culture of the community in his environment.
- Efforts to socialize something so that it becomes known, understood, appreciated by the community; socialization.