11 reasons to stop checking WhatsApp before bed

How many times do we use our smartphone in bed ? Virtually always. It’s time to go to sleep, but there is always that little voice that tells us to check WhatsApp to see if anyone has at least read our message, or take a last spin on Twitter to see what’s in the Trending Topic , ah, then we were forgetting to wish friends on Facebook … nothing more wrong!

We know that resisting the temptation to find out the latest updates before falling asleep is really difficult, as it is almost indispensable to write the goodnight message to the people you are most fond of, but looking at the screen of a smartphone at night is a bad idea.


The blue light emitted by the screens of electronic devices allows for optimal viewing under the sun’s rays, but at night it is anything but helpful.
It is part of the natural spectrum of light to which we are normally exposed during the day, but it is scientifically proven that blue light suppresses the production of melatonin , a hormone that regulates sleep cycles, whose inhibition can cause insomnia and other disorders. it connected.


  • Lower melatonin levels translate into fewer hours of sleep
  • Little sleep causes more difficulty concentrating
  • Limited memory capacity the following day
  • Difficulty learning something new (activity that needs more attention)
  • Struggles to find motivation in study and work
  • If the periods of poor sleep are prolonged, this prevents the brain from eliminating toxins produced by the activity of the neurons , which will not receive adequate rest.
  • A higher amount of toxins in turn leads to even worse sleep quality
  • There is evidence that people with low melatonin levels are more prone to depression
  • In addition to disorienting the body by varying the levels of melatonin, blue light can cause a greater sense of hunger , a different assimilation of fats and therefore a greater risk of obesity.
  • There is a correlation between lack of sleep caused by blue light and a higher probability of contracting breast or prostate cancers
  • Researchers are studying the effects of blue light on vision problems , such as cataracts and irreversible damage to the retina.


There is a way to limit the damage caused by blue light exposure from electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and even televisions , but you may not like the answer.

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The solution is obviously to limit the use of devices at night to a minimum , to give our brain the opportunity to understand that it is night, so melatonin will start working and our body will be able to enjoy a good sleep, which will recharge us all the energies needed to face the challenges that await us tomorrow.

Doctors’ advice is to turn off the devices one hour before going to sleep . So if you plan to go to bed by 10pm, you will have to “leave” WhatsApp at 9pm.

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Indulge in a book , some music , a family chat or some relaxation exercises. In the morning you will have time to update yourself on everything else and you will do it much better and faster, because your brain will be perfectly active and ready for action.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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