If you thought that everything was said in gastronomy you are very wrong. Did you know that there is a new food that is slowly making a dent in the market? It is called bimi and it is a delicious vegetable with many health properties. Because we care about your health and well-being, today we are talking about the properties of bimi so that little by little it can also make a place in your shopping cart and your diet.

What is bimi?

Bimi is a vegetable that belongs to the brassica family, like other vegetables such as cauliflower , cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. In fact, the bimi results from the combination of broccoli and Chinese cabbage.

Physically, its appearance is very similar to broccoli, except that in the case of bimi it has a much longer stem and very similar to that of a green asparagus. And as for its flavor, it is sweet and smooth, which offers the possibility of also being consumed raw as a crudité.

But the most important thing about bimi is not only its flavor and its versatility when it comes to putting it on the plate, but the countless properties it has and its health benefits.

Like all varieties of the brassica family, bimi is rich in glucosinolates, which is an anticancer agent typical of this family of vegetables. In addition, it contains sinigrin, which favors the elimination of precancerous cells. In fact, there are several scientific studies that support that consuming bimi helps prevent certain types of cancer such as stomach, colon and even lung cancer.

It is also rich in fiber and has potassium, B vitamins and a considerable proportion of vitamin C. In fact, eating a plate of bimi is equivalent to eating several oranges.

On the other hand, another of the most remarkable properties of bimi is its high fiber content and its low energy intake. This makes the bimi the ideal ally to feed properly without having to fear the scale.

As if that were not enough, bimi has a good dose of prebiotics, which helps to strengthen the body’s immune system and reinforce the antibacterial properties so necessary to keep infections as far as possible.

Recipes with bimi

Before you run to the supermarket to get a good amount of bimi, we are going to tell you how you can use this vegetable.

Another benefit of this vegetable is that, as we have mentioned before, bimi can be eaten raw. But it can also be cooked, either boiled or sautéed, as a starter or as a garnish for a main dish.

Take note of some recipes:

  • Sauteed bimi and asparagus : sautéed is a good option to incorporate bimi into the diet, as they preserve the texture, color and good nutrients of this healthy vegetable. In addition, it is an easy and fast alternative to try this food. In this case, an ideal preparation for a light dinner.
  • Cooked bimi with walnuts : Cook the bimi for 15 minutes and then add a good handful of walnuts. Easy, light and, above all, very nutritious.
  • Bimi, Strawberry and Almond Salad : Now in summer, nothing better than enjoying a good salad. To do this, use raw bimi as a base and add sliced ​​strawberries and almonds. If you dress it with oil and soy sauce, you will enjoy a deliciously healthy moment.

The WHO recommends eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, so now that you know that this new vegetable exists, you can incorporate bimi into your diet. We give you some tricks to eat fruits and vegetables daily.


by Abdullah Sam
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