Who can resist a glass of chufa horchata after an afternoon at the pool or on the beach? If you are one of those who are looking forward to summer to enjoy this typical Valencian drink, you should know that in addition to having a good time, you are contributing to your physical well-being. Yes, the properties of tiger nut milk are innumerable and also greatly benefit your health. Do you want to discover which are the most important? Well take note.

Benefits of tigernut horchata

Horchata is a vegetable drink that comes from the tigernut, a kind of tuber. Along with other natural ingredients, such as water, lemon and cinnamon, horchata is obtained, one of the most refreshing drinks that exist and also nutritious. These are just a few:

  • Horchata has important digestive properties , due to its high percentage of amino acids and starch. In fact, the latter can be used as a prebiotic, as it favors the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. In addition, it is a great antidiarrheal.
  • Your heart can also benefit from drinking horchata. And it is that thanks to the oleic acid it contains, it helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good one . Some of the essential amino acids it contains even have a vasodilator effect, thus improving blood circulation.
  • Its high percentage in water makes tigernut horchata a very diuretic drink . Fully suitable for people suffering from uric acid, hypertension; or those with nephrotic syndrome or patients with kidney failure, either mild or moderate.
  • Horchata is a drink with a natural energy power that is difficult to match. It has a high percentage of carbohydrates from complex sugars, hence it has a high nutritional power and makes it a highly recommended food for children, the elderly and athletes.

Also, as it is lactose and fructose free, diabetic or overweight people can enjoy a very fresh sugar-free horchata without any qualms.

  • Neither should celiacs deprive themselves of their dose of this summery drink. The horchata is gluten-free so it is perfectly compatible with your diet.

It is very likely that these reasons have reinforced, even more if possible, your desire to drink horchata this summer. True? Enjoy all the properties of tigernut horchata to the fullest and incorporate it into your diet. Also, you can try to make it yourself. The ingredients are very simple and the recipe too. Here we show you:

H3 Tigernut horchata recipe

  • 250 gr. tigernut
  • 1 liter of water
  • The rind of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  • Sugar (optional)

The first thing you have to do is wash the tigernuts very well, removing any trace of dirt they may have. When they are well cleaned, soak them for about 12 hours.

After this time has passed, drain them. Next, crush the tiger nuts together with the lemon rind, cinnamon and water. When they are ready, strain it with a strainer or pass it through a sieve where the remains of the tigernut will accumulate. The resulting liquid is the horchata.

Put the liquid in a bottle and put it to cool. When serving do not forget to add a little cinnamon and if you like it sweeter, add a little sugar. And ready to drink!

Easy right? And it will taste even better if you accompany it with the popular farton.

Another typically summery and equally healthy drink is granita. Write down the recipe for the lemon granita , the most classic of all. It never fails!


by Abdullah Sam
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