10 Most Useful Commands in Minecraft

Useful Commands in Minecraft.They are especially useful if you are playing on your own server. But on others it is worth using some commands.

  • region claim <name>– Specifies the name of the selected region.
  • hpos1– Sets the first point that matches your current location.
  • hpos2– sets the second point in the same way. After that, a fixed area is created.
  • region addowner <region_name> <player_name>– grants the selected player with respect to the selected region the same privileges as the creator of the region. You can write several nicknames one after another, separated by a space. The region removeowner command  removes additional permissions.
  • region addmember <region_name> <player_name> – gives selected players access to the selected region. The  region removemember command, on the other hand, denies 
  • expand <length> <direction>– expands the boundaries of the area in the specified direction.
  • contract <length> <direction>– reduces the boundaries of the area in the specified direction.
  • region flag <region_name> <parameter> <value>– sets specific rules for the region.

Parameter list:

  • pvp– whether players can damage each other.
  • use– whether it is possible to use mechanisms, doors.
  • chest-access– whether players can open chests.
  • lava-flow– whether lava flow is acceptable.
  • water-flow– is water spreading acceptable.
  • lighter– can a lighter be used.

List of values:

  • allow– enabled
  • deny– disabled
  • noneis the same parameter as in the rest of the world.


In order to make or configure a private zone in more detail, you can use other cool commands, since there are a lot of them in Mineraft. But, in our opinion, the above teams are the top and lightest in the world of Minecraft, and their capabilities will be enough for most players. A complete list of commands and their detailed description can be found on the gameplay dedicated to the game


by Abdullah Sam
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