10 Examples of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a relatively recent concept that has profoundly marked and transformed the way in which the interaction between people and the world is experienced.

The emotional world is complex and has repercussions not only on himself but also on those around him and even on his way of acting.

Knowing how to properly manage feelings and nurture those skills that favor social relationships and well-being in general, is part of this type of intelligence.

Next, we will present some more significant examples of emotional intelligence and how to apply it in our daily lives.

What are emotions?

First of all, it is important to understand what we mean when we talk about emotions , despite the fact that we all have an emotional world, it is often overlooked to reflect on it.

Emotions are related to the feelings that arise within us and that can be evoked by thoughts or experienced situations.

They arise spontaneously and may or may not manifest externally through our behavior , decisions, actions, attitudes, gestures, among others.

Even though we cannot control their appearance within us, the ability to manage them properly in such a way that they do not cause harm to others or to oneself can be achieved.

The healthy expression of emotions is critical to maintaining a state of psychological balance, satisfying social relationships, and a general sense of well-being.

What is emotional intelligence?

Daniel Goleman , who is the developer of this concept, defines emotional intelligence as a way of relating to the world that takes feelings into account.

In this way, the person becomes more aware of their own emotions, trying to express them adequately, promoting self-control .

In addition to this, the development of certain skills such as the capacity for empathy , compassion, perseverance and motivation is promoted.

All these elements favor social adaptation in a more fluid and creative way, making the person and those around them feel good.

Best Examples of Emotional Intelligence

1. Be aware of your own emotions

Learning to recognize one’s emotions for some people may not be so easy, but it is a way of demonstrating this type of intelligence.

To achieve this, you can practice a daily exercise in which you take a break and think for a moment about how you feel and how you have felt throughout the day.

2. Connect with emotions

Not only acknowledging them is a part of this process, but also when we connect with them, but accepting them and allowing them to be channeled in a proper way.

If, for example, you recognize anger at a given moment, don’t deny or repress it, find a healthy way to express it without hurting others or yourself.

3. Look at yourself

Being able to identify one’s own weaknesses and strengths from an honest look is a clear example of this type of intelligence.

4. Self-control

Self-control implies being able to govern emotions and that they are not the ones that govern you, that is, expressing them in a healthy way and not making impulsive decisions.

5. Motivation

It is a typical capacity of highly productive people and implies being able to postpone immediate gratification in order to achieve more satisfactory long-term results.

Motivation is an impulse that in turn gives focus and direction, in this way one is more careful with each step and less erratic because there is a firm purpose that guides the person .

6. Empathy

A clear example of emotional intelligence is the ability to feel empathy towards others, which allows them to develop strong and appropriate relationships.

Being empathic implies being able to recognize the needs and feelings of another person, that is, being able to put yourself in their place and try to understand their point of view.

7. Social skills

Having social skills means having an assertive communication style , through which adequate links can be established and conflicts resolved, always within the framework of a respectful attitude.

8. Acknowledge others

Being able to have a less self-centered look and truly recognize the abilities, skills, triumphs and strengths in others in a genuine way without making comparisons.

9. Self-criticism

Self-criticism should not be confused with blaming oneself, on the contrary, it is being able to recognize weaknesses and mistakes made, assuming them responsibly .

This allows you to generate internal changes that will manifest in external behavior, improving more and more in the different areas of your life.

10. Don’t take anything personally

This means understanding that our attention must be focused on what is really important, on what can be controlled without the influence of others.

Not all circumstances come to harm and not all people seek to harm others.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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