Facts about Problems in Teaching English And the Solutions

It is very essential for English teacher to know the problems in teaching English and the Solutions for it. Some teachers are born teachers; they have the ability and the wish to transfer knowledge or skills to others, and they have the sympathy and patience to do this. We all know teachers who are experts on a subject, but faces problems in teaching it, because of heterogeneous grouping, over-crowding in class-rooms, too much of correction work, wrong habits picked up at earlier stages, non-availability of adequate material for teaching, adherence to a set and stereotyped syllabus, preparing students for certain examinations etc. There are also problems of class­ room teaching  like teaching of different aspects of language, teaching spelling, correction of errors of various kinds, problems of individualized instruction, assignments, and the like. Each teacher has his own problem; no two teachers may have exactly the same number of problems though in some respects they may have similar problems. Under any situation, a teacher is the best judge to take stock of all his problems and to find out their solutions.

How to overcome the Problems in Teaching English And the Solutions

Organizing Seminars

There are different ways of overcoming a problem. Therefore, attempts must be made to organize conferences, seminars, workshops of English teachers. It will help to over­come many of the problems. On such occasions people come from different situations and exchange experiences on problems which are of vital concern to all of them. They discuss their common problems and learn a great deal from one another. Such opportunities should always be welcomed as they afford useful chances for exchange of experiences.

Understand the particular Situation

To over-come the problems discussed above, the teacher should develop an attitude of experimentation. He should try to understand the situation and try to help the students accordingly. At present situations are changing very rapidly. In such changed and changing situations a rigid adherence to a set procedure would bring only frustration, failure, and disappointment. The teacher of English will always keep in mind this, phenomenon of change and adopt an experimental attitude to maintain his practices in keeping with the challenging demands of the new situations.

Motivation is the key to success:

Students learn better when they have a strong motivation to learn than when they have none. The best motivation the teacher can give them is a sense of success; if the students feel that they are really learning the language successfully, and that what they are learning is really useful [i.e., that it is enabling them to communicate on’ interesting, relevant topics in the target language) they will be encouraged to learn more and more. If, on the other hand, the lessons in the class are dreary and artificial and seem to have little connection with real life, the students will soon lose interest and motivation.

Manage group Work:

Group work, in which pupils work together in groups, makes things easier. One can have students of same ability in a group; or one can have groups of mixed ability, with one good pupil as the leader and “tutor” of each. As we know, some people are born teachers, who have the desire and the ability to pass knowledge and skills on successfully. But even a person who is not a born teacher can improve a lot by learning to smile, to be enthusiastic and patient, and to be constantly looking for new ways of getting his message across to his pupils.

Encourage them for learning:

A good teacher tries to encourage his pupils to talk, read and write. To encourage them he tries to make their work as relevant to real-life needs and as close to interesting communication as he can; and he shows that he is interested in what his pupils say and write.

Be A Role model:

The English teachers should be good models for their students. They should speak with as good an accent as they can, and say every-thing clearly and speak naturally. They should write neatly and efficiently, and use the black-board tidily.

Teachers whose own command of English is very good need to learn to speak in simple English to be understood by their pupils. This is not at all easy. It is particularly tempting for a teacher who loves literature to indulge in flowery words and bombastic phrases. This is pure self-indulgence, and useless for the pupils.

Never criticize the students:

The teacher should never discourage pupils by giving them work who is too much difficult for them and then criticizing them for not being able to do it. He should remember that, success is one of the best incentives to further effort. On the other hand, the good teacher will always stretch his pupils’ brains by giving them work which is difficult enough to present a challenge, otherwise pupils will become bored.

Do creative things in classroom:

An English teacher can develop competency as an artist in human affairs only when he

  • (i) creates learning situation (ii)
  • motivates the children to learn
  • (iii) arranges for conditions whereby the growth of the child’s mind and body takes place
  • (iv) utilizes the play and imitation urges of the children to encourage them to learn
  • (v) turns the children into creative things
  • (vi) inspires them with the nobility of thoughts, feelings and actions
  • (vii) makes them self-reliant, and resourceful and (viii) helps them to be what they want to be.

Teaching English, particularly as a second language, presents a range of challenges, but there are effective solutions to address these issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Varying Levels of Proficiency: Students often have different levels of English proficiency. This can be addressed by using differentiated instruction strategies, providing materials at various difficulty levels, and using peer learning where more proficient students help those with less proficiency.
  2. Limited Exposure to English Outside the Classroom: Students may not have opportunities to practice English outside the classroom. To overcome this, teachers can encourage the use of English in practical, everyday contexts, provide extra-curricular activities in English, and use technology, like language learning apps, to facilitate more exposure.
  3. Lack of Motivation: Some students may not be motivated to learn English. Teachers can enhance motivation by relating the language to students’ interests, using interactive and engaging teaching methods, and showing the practical benefits of learning English.
  4. Cultural Differences: Cultural barriers can hinder English language learning. Teachers can address this by incorporating cultural education in the curriculum, respecting and acknowledging different cultural backgrounds, and using culturally diverse materials.
  5. Limited Resources: In some areas, there may be a lack of resources for teaching English. Solutions include utilizing online resources, encouraging the use of open educational resources, and getting creative with available materials.
  6. Pronunciation Difficulties: Students often struggle with English pronunciation. This can be improved through regular practice, using phonetic exercises, and incorporating listening and speaking activities in the classroom.
  7. Grammar Complexity: English grammar can be complex and confusing for learners. Teaching grammar in context, rather than in isolation, and using real-life examples can help make it more understandable.
  8. Overdependence on the Teacher: Students might rely too much on the teacher. Encouraging independent learning through self-study assignments, group work, and research projects can foster autonomy.

Each of these problems can be effectively managed with the right strategies, helping to make English language learning a more successful and enjoyable experience for both teachers and students.

Creating a guide in a tabular format about the problems in teaching English and their solutions involves outlining common challenges faced by educators and providing practical solutions for each. This table can be structured as follows

Here’s a simplified example of how the table could look:

Problems in Teaching English Solutions
Language Barriers Use of visual aids, bilingual resources
Lack of Student Motivation Engaging, interactive activities
Varying Proficiency Levels Tailored instruction for different levels
Limited Resources Utilization of online resources
Cultural Differences Inclusion of diverse cultural content in lessons
Technological Advancements Integration of modern tech in teaching

This table can be expanded and customized based on specific contexts and needs in the field of English language teaching.


Teaching English comes with its share of challenges, but with proactive measures and effective strategies, these difficulties can be overcome. By addressing issues related to pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, motivation, and cultural differences, educators can create a conducive learning environment for their students. Remember, teaching English is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about inspiring and empowering students to communicate confidently in the global language of today.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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