If you are a student, this will interest you a lot, because there is a network of centers and places where you can connect for free to the WiFi network eduroam (Education Roaming), a WiFi connection system that will allow you to have a connection wherever you go without having to search for networks Public WiFi. Next, we will tell you what it is and how to connect .
In our country, the eduroam WiFi network belongs to the RedIRIS project , which is responsible for facilitating communication between the community of scientists in our country and the rest, but to be able to connect to eduroam, you will have to know something first.
How to create a WiFi network with your mobile
What is eduroam
Eduroam is a project that allows students, professors and researchers to use the WiFi network of their own campus and of the campuses attached to this project, currently eduroam works in Spain, the United States, Canada and the Asia-Pacific area.
There are a total of 151 institutions and centers in our country that are connected to each other to be able to provide connection to the thousands of students and professors who frequent the campuses so that they can do so through a secure network since public WiFi networks do not they are as safe as they seem.
Web: List of centers with eduroam
Connect to eduroam
For a user to be able to connect to the eduroam WiFi network, they will have to do so through an identification portal with the credentials that the center that offers the connectivity or institution provides them. For example, to be able to connect to the eduroam network of the Carlos III University of Madrid, it is necessary to do so through a corporate VPN.
One of the best possibilities that eduroam offers is that once we have connected to the origin network, we will be able to connect to the rest of the networks wherever we go without having to request new credentials.
This is how WiFi works eduroam a project that offers free Internet connection to students, teachers and scientists in hundreds of centers around the world through secure networks to be able to surf the net in places such as centers, libraries, campuses or classrooms .