Why ENFP and INFJ Are Perfect for Each Other

Finding your perfect match may seem impossible, but if you’re an ENFP dating an INFJ (or vice versa), you’re already three steps ahead.For every Myers-Briggs personality, there is an almost perfect fit counterpart (in key functions). Relationships struggle if people do not have at least one pair of similar or dominant functions guiding them.

ENFP (‘The Champion’) and INFJ (‘The Counselor’) share NF functions; this means that they are both highly intuitive people who will struggle with someone dominated by perception. These two thrive on metaphors, abstractions, and creativity. Trying to make them normal and grounded would be like trying to make your taxes a hovering unicorn made of rainbows.While any relationship can thrive, ENFPs do best with Intuition Feeling types and INFJs do best with Extraverted Intuition types. No wonder these two personalities are so attracted to each other.

ENFP: Extrovert , Intuition, Feeling, Perception

INFJ: Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judgment

ENFP and INFJ will have an instant connection and whether it’s friendship, business partnership or love it should last for a long time. That doesn’t mean the two will never fall into a conflict, but they should be able to get through these issues because they internally understand and balance each other out. If you take a look at the functional stacks table below, it shouldn’t be too hard to see why.

ENFP and INFJ Functional Stacks

Dominant Function Extroverted Intuition (What) Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Auxiliary Function Introverted Emotion (Fi) Extroverted Emotion (Fe)
Tertiary Function Extroverted Thinking (Te) Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Sub Function Introverted Detection (Si) Extraverted Sensing (Se)

But why exactly do these two personality types work so well together? It’s a bit more complicated than just saying they share functions.

This Article Discusses

  1. ENFP Compliance
  2. INFJ Compliance
  3. Pros and Cons of the ENFP-INFJ Relationship
  4. Why Do INFJs and ENFPs Attract Each Other?
  5. Why Do INFJs and ENFPs Work Well Together?
  6. ENFP Features
  7. INFJ Characteristics
  8. Similarities Between INFJs and ENFPs
  9. How to Tell ENFP-INFJ Connection

1. ENFP Compliance

ENFPs crave passionate relationships that foster the growth of both partners. They thrive in relationships where they can explore, discover, and learn as a team, and love nothing more than to have their worldview expanded by intellectually stimulating partners.


Types of Intuition Emotion (NF)

ENFPs are often drawn to other types of NF (i.e. INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, and ENFP), also known as Idealists. Personality types in this group value originality and individuality and pair well together. The Idealist has a strong focus on collaborative interactions and a deep-rooted need for meaning in life, so when you bring two Idealists together they are likely to engage in highly meaningful and mutually satisfying conversations.

Detection Evaluation (SJ) Types

Also known as The Guardians, SJ types (i.e. ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, and ESFJ) offer a consistency and determination that ENFPs often find attractive and comforting, but these pairings are best made later in life, after each person is firmly established. personality types. Otherwise, they risk using each other as crutches for their sub-functions (Si in the case of ENFP).

Detection Detection (SP) Types

ENFPs are also attracted to the SP strains (ie ESFP, ISFP, ESTP and ISTP), also known as The Artisans. Although they look similar in some respects, they have some fundamental differences; for example, CPs are more concerned with extroverted experiences (eg actions and appearances versus perspectives and ideas) than introverted ones. This can eventually lead to frustration, as SP will want more sensory stimulation, while ENFP will miss more mental stimulation.


Intuitive Detection (NP) Types

ENFPs also get along well with other types of NPs (eg INFP, INTP, ENFP, and ENTP), also known as Adaptive Innovators. Couples in this group often prefer similar lifestyles and never run out of things to talk about.

2. INFJ Compliance

INFJs thrive in partnerships where their keen minds are constantly encouraged and challenged. A relationship based on truth, but one filled with mental exploration and deep discussion, is most satisfying for an INFJ.

Types of Extroverted Intuition (EN)

INFJs are often drawn to EN types (ENFP, ENTP, ENFJ, and ENTJ), also known as Action-Oriented Innovators, because they balance each other out. The extrovert nature of the EN type satisfies the INFJ’s desire to socialize and encourages them to step out of their comfort zone at times. ENFPs and ENFJs are particularly compatible with INFJs.

ENFPs love to socialize and connect with all kinds of people, but they also know how to gently persuade the independent and creative side of the typically more reserved INFJ while remaining sensitive to their need to be quiet and calm.

ENFJs and INFJs are incredibly passionate, but while INFJ’s beliefs tend to remain internalized or ‘hidden’, ENFJ is not afraid to put their beliefs out there for all to see. This pairing can work, as both personality types care deeply about the world and make it a better place.

Types of Introverted Intuition (IN)

INFJs are also often drawn to other types of IN (INTJ, INFP, and INTP), also known as Thoughtful Innovators. This introverted and scholarly group prefers theory to real-world achievements, which is why the MBTI personality types are considered the least practical.

However, IN types take great pleasure in being with other Thoughtful Innovators as they share the same strong, inner world. INFPs and INTJs are particularly well suited to relationships with INFJs because for all the traits they share, there are also some fundamental differences.

INFPs are less organized and punctual than INFJs, but their optimism is absolutely contagious. INTJs value logic more than emotion, which could form the basis for imaginary INFJ.

NTP Types

INFJs are often drawn to NTP types because of a common preference for intuition that leads to satisfying discussion of theoretical and metaphysical topics. They also have complementary judgment systems that combine thinking and emotion.

STP Types

INFJs are also sometimes drawn to STP types, but they are often hesitant to start relationships with other S types, and romantic relationships between these types are unlikely to last long term.

3. Pros of the ENFP-INFJ Relationship

  • Extroverted ENFPs will appreciate the incredible active listening skills of introverted INFJs.
  • Different energy levels will balance each personality – ENFP will feel stabilized and calmed by INFJ, while INFJ will appreciate ENFP’s warmth and enthusiasm.
  • INFJ will enjoy ENFP’s social leadership, taking advantage of their outgoing nature to meet new friends they might normally be too shy to approach.
  • They will feed on each other’s minds and enjoy discussing big picture ideas and confusing topics, especially if they share similar viewpoints.
  • INFJs provide a welcome order and stability for spontaneous ENFPs, while ENFPs help INFJs relax and see the fun in life.
  • Because both parties share the Feeling function, they will naturally show compassion for each other and display a warmth, tenderness, and kindness that both parties will appreciate.
  • This shared function should also lead to a highly harmonious relationship, as both parties will adapt to and do their best to meet their partner’s needs and desires.

Challenges of the ENFP-INFJ Relationship

  • ENFPs may at times feel bored by the quiet, introverted nature of the INFJ, while INFJs may feel that ENFPs are too loud and resent their tendency to dominate the conversation.
  • Reconciling the social and homebody natures of these two personality types, respectively, can be difficult and lead to frustrations when the couple has to decide how to spend their free time.
  • The combination of ENFP’s restlessness and INFJ’s introversion, chores and the like is negligible.
  • INFJs may feel that ENFPs are very indecisive, while ENFPs may find INFJs very controlling. This can lead to conflict (INFJ tends to stay away from it).
  • The strong mutual desire for harmony can force both parties to inflate negative emotions and avoid disagreements in an effort not to bring stress and disharmony into their relationships. Unfortunately, when these unhappy feelings overflow, they will eventually backfire.

4. Why Do INFJs and ENFPs Attract Each Other?

Both INFJ and ENFP will instantly feel drawn to each other because they both have parts that the other desires.

Why Do INFJs Find ENFPs Attractive?

ENFPs are primarily information gatherers, but through outward intuition. ENFP speaks to INFJ the way INFJ receives information. All of this is very pleasing and creates an ESP effect.

Why Do ENFPs Find INFJs Attractive?

INFJ is more introverted and knows how to assist ENFP in their emotional development. INFJ knows how to encourage them and let them know it’s okay to have dark thoughts, be a little serious and have some crazy depth. At the same time, ENFPs also enjoy seeing others happy, which is why they like to bring INFJs out of their shell.

INFJ may be surprised at how much time ENFP actually takes on his own and melts away with more independent creative ideas. ENFP will also be surprised by the army of friends the seemingly shy INFJ has amassed.

5. Why ENFPs and INFJs Work Well Together

You’re likely to have a lot in common just by staying in the NF family. They’re both very well-liked people and sometimes struggle with people they like. They are family centered and will put a lot of energy into building and raising a family well. When they’re both sure they want to stay with each other, they’ll spend less energy on their friends. They are emotionally motivated towards each other.

If both mature in their functions, they become an incredible support system for each other. They can struggle with the ‘S’ (Detection) that is both in the pit.

Why INFJs Struggle with ‘Se’ and How to Improve it

For the INFJ, they need to express who they are in the physical realm to magnify their Se (Extroverted Perception) rather than just relying on intuition. If you rely only on intuition, it will be like having a super strong right arm, a left arm in need of amputation.

By cooking, dancing, doing housework, pottery, hiking, etc. You can align anything that moves your body with your Perception side. Slow down your mind and become more conscious of what you are doing. This will help you ground yourself in reality. You may not like it at first, but if you balance it, you will have a stronger intuition.

Why ENFPs Struggle with ‘Si’ and How to Heal It

As for ENFP, at the bottom is Si (Introvert Detection), which is introvert detection. Si is one of the most difficult functions to understand and grow. It’s not something the western world promotes, but the eastern world is getting it. Si is about understanding the physical processes within it.

You can use this for meditation, chakra balancing, praying, etc. You can do it via. Try spending 30 minutes by yourself and going through every part of your body and asking how it feels. Do this until the storm of intuition in your mind stops speaking (both from your mouth and from your brain). If an ENFP refuses to look to their Fi and Si for what they think is more fun, these qualities will stab them in the back.

Note: One of the best personalities you can learn about Si is the introverted ISFJ, who is too similar to INFJ to drive an ENFP spree.

6. ENFP Features

ENFPs are the least judgmental and most inclusive of MBTI personality types, and they love to find and develop potential in others. Their Nes allow them to understand different points of view, and their Fis provide them with a strong capacity for empathy. They are known as open-minded and enthusiastic innovation seekers. ENFPs fear boredom and stagnation more than anything else.

With extroverted intuition guiding them, they can see how things sit on an advanced, macrocosmic level. Too much detail and structure can drive an ENFP crazy when what they truly desire is openness, both in their ideas and their lifestyle.

While they are skilled at looking at the big picture, ENFPs can also go all the way with introspection, asking their body questions about how it makes them feel, why they feel that way. The more ENFPs push themselves to understand this better, the more they will grow and appreciate everything.

ENFP’s Struggles

ENFPs often feel a strong Fi-Si (Introverted Emotion-Introverted Sensing) cycle that they can get stuck in. This can lead to anxiety, restlessness and sleep problems. ENFPs can seem so messy and crazy that they are often misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

ENFP is the champion and always wants to involve people, spread ideas and get things moving. But there is a more introverted side of them that they don’t always know how to convey (or whether they should).

7. INFJ Features

Making up just 1% of the population, INFJs are often considered ‘old souls’. They feel happy and fulfilled when helping others; this is what people can do well with thanks to their ability to look ahead and see their inner selves clearly.

They love deep conversations combining Fe and Ni functions and are deeply concerned with quality and originality in everything they do.

They love to learn about what’s going on in this world, questioning what’s out there and how they can apply it to their value system, and testing the waters to see what resonates with them spiritually. If you feel like a psychic to some degree, you know you’re 100% INFJ – but that can make you feel like you don’t fit in with society that much.

INFJ’s Struggles

INFJ wants to be understood and needs help coming out of their shell because they are the rarest personality type, which constantly makes them feel that their ideas and feelings don’t match up with the group’s.

INFJs often feel unheard and misunderstood by those around them, which can cause them to question their worth in a world that seems indifferent to their insights. This makes them more prone to depression than many other personality types.

The INFJ also struggles with keeping quiet because its dominant function is introvert intuition – their primary goal is to process information introspectively. They tend to keep this to themselves until they reach their emotional center and can translate the information emphatically.

Similarities Between ENFPs and INFJs

  • Religious and spiritual people alike, this is another reason why they are drawn to one another.
  • Because they are both obsessed with people and have the NF temperament, they collect information about people.
  • Both of these personalities have unique social skills because INFJ is the most social introvert and ENFP is hyper social, but also needs a calm and quiet space.
  • They both have a tendency to be hippie. They want to play and create in the world, not sticking to paying the bills. These personalities need careers to let their passions shine, not bank accounts. If they take care of urgent business in their physical environment, they are happy campers. They need their gratification when it comes to imagination and fantasy. (I recommend living in a place that doesn’t require a lot of stuff, because for them less is more and will keep them from going bankrupt.)

8. Friendships Between INFJs and ENFPs

Thanks to the complementary nature of their personalities, they will likely remain close friends even if things don’t go romantically between these types. The intellectual satisfaction that accompanies their interactions creates a deep bond between the two, and they truly bring out the best in each other.

9. How to Tell INFJ-ENFP Connection

Those who witness an ENFP and INFJ connection will probably wonder why the two are not together yet. Whether you’re looking at this relationship from the outside or being half a duo, here are some quick ways to tell that it’s an INFJ-ENFP connection.

  • For these two, everything else in the room and everyone else is lost. They are so focused on sharing their inner world that everything else is arranged. They’re in their own little world, and it’s totally fascinating.
  • Hyperactive spontaneity. If you’re an INFJ and you think you’re not spontaneous, something isn’t right. INFJs love randomness – it gives their introverted intuition a big jolt. The ENFP-INFJ couple will enter many spontaneous situations with little or no planning.
  • This combination of traits creates a powerful playful duo. ENFP starts the joke, INFJ comes up with the endpoint and moves on with that energy.
  • They will stare at each other from afar. They love connection, so they will continue to control each other remotely when they can’t be next to each other.
  • The duo will plan to spend just a little time with each other and then be together for an entire night. . . That’s what they really wanted.
  • ENFP will follow the INFJ and the INFJ will put up barriers to see if ENFP is really tuned to them. An INFJ will literally find another boyfriend-to-be and say, ‘Don’t you want to talk to them?’ And ENFP will either say ‘no’ or drive that person away. ENFP knows how to judge a person and INFJ has to check to make sure there is loyalty.
  • As ENFP gets louder, INFJ will get smarter and more witty.
  • Deep, sensual hugs. They can communicate without words and convey it all by embracing it.
  • They will serve others. They want to make sure those around them are okay. They make an excellent consulting team.
  • Don’t confuse ENFP with just wanting to be around the herd. He wants INFJ all to himself. It will be a remarkable target.
  • The INFJ may be slow on ENFP’s advances. Be patient . . . They are likely to come around.
  • They both enter their lives by creating their own unique, personal worlds. When they meet each other, they are surprised that the world they have created fits someone else.
  • These are the two most intelligent personalities. They occasionally try to hide their brains to fit in a group situation, but don’t be surprised if they jump from philosophy, religion, and math to talking cartoons, UFOS, and unicorns.
  • Both are dominated by information gathering – they express their love with huge chunks of information and see how all these points can connect.
  • Creative expression – late night jam, dancing, pottery making, poetry reading, cooking and painting.
  • You’ll find the INFJ is more comfortable and more out of its shell than you’ve ever seen. You will see ENFP more balanced. . . and also insane.
  • They hate conflict, but they know how to resolve it with kindness rather than arrogance.
  • They look like two big kids who are somehow still innocent. . . also with the dirtiest minds you’ve ever seen.

Remember — MBTI Personality Type Only Goes Away So Far

There is no hard and fast rule that personality types should and should not date, but some matches will naturally have an easier time dealing with shared function pairings (i.e., two matching personality preferences or tendencies). While non-cooperative relationships can still work, they often require a lot more effort from both partners just to understand each other.

All that said, you shouldn’t refuse to date someone you love just because their MBTI type doesn’t quite match yours, or decide to date someone you don’t like very much just because theirs does. Any relationship has a chance to thrive as long as both parties are committed to communicating clearly and effectively and promoting each other’s personal growth.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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