Why doesn’t a canary sing?

Canaries are one of the most popular pets, which is due to their beautiful appearance but mainly to their chirping. But what happens when the canary we recently acquired does not chirp or when what we already have has stopped chirping?

This problem is one of the most common concerns for canary owners. To take a closer look, we will divide the cases into those of a bird that has never chirped and those of a canary that we have for a long time and at some point, just stopped chirping.

In some cases, the cause of the problem may be a combination of possibilities from both categories.

1. A canary that never chirped

This category includes birds that you may have owned for a long time or some that you have recently acquired, but unfortunately you have not had the pleasure of hearing their chirping to date. Let’s look at the possible causes and their solution, if any.

He is young

Canaries that are less than six months old have not fully developed all of their characteristics, including their ability to chirp.

During this period, the young birds try to express themselves vocally in the characteristic way that adult male canaries sing (singing posture, neck swelling, etc.). This behavior gives us a first indication of the sex of the birds, but it is not always safe at this time.

Although this is a typical behavior of male birds, when it occurs during the pre-adult period, it may simply show imitation elements of small birds (regardless of sex) that they receive from their parents’ environment or behavior.

The continuous melodic chirping is a relatively safe indication of sex discrimination, only when it comes to adult birds at rest (not breeding or pterosaurs).

She is female

All healthy canaries chirp unless they are female. You may have the impression that your canary is male or you may have asked for a male at the time of purchase to enjoy his song, but there is always the case of misjudgment in sex discrimination.

Even if you have been told that the canary they gave you is male because it chirped before, it is likely to be a wrong conclusion, since in some cases females also chirp, even for a short time like the one before their adulthood. that of the period before the start of reproduction, due to the change of their hormones.

To rule out the possibility of unnecessarily waiting to hear a female canary chirping, follow the instructions inarticle on sex discrimination in canaries .

Always remember that apart from the DNA test, the only way to prove that a canary is definitely female is to lay eggs. Otherwise any other estimate may turn out to be wrong.

Unsuitable living space

In a healthy bird the chirping depends on its mood, which can be affected by the space in which it lives. By “space” we mean the cage and the room where we have placed it, which must meet certain specifications in order not to create stress on the bird.

The cage is the place where birds spend all or most of their lives, so you should definitely offer your canary the right cage , but also the right accessories that are necessary to serve his daily needs.

As important as the cage is the wider space that hosts it. Our article on choosing a suitable space for the cagewill help you choose him.

If you need more help, describe your case to us in the canary care forum .

2. A canary that stopped chirping

This category refers to the case of a bird that you have owned for a long time and while it was singing all this time, at some point it stopped chirping. Let us see in detail these cases and the possible solutions to the problems.

He is sick

Stopping singing in a canary can be a sign that he is suffering from an illness. When a canary stops chirping due to illness, it does so to save the energy it will need to deal with its health problem.

Therefore, if your canary suddenly stopped singing at some point, you should consider the case of the disease and treat it, or if this possibility is ruled out, look elsewhere for the causes of the problem.

To help you determine if there is a disease, read our article on identifying bird diseases carefully and act immediately if you suspect there is a disease.

If you need our help, describe the problem in the forumcanary diseases . If you need the help of a specialist, look for it in the list of veterinarians .

He has Pterygium

Pterygium is a condition in which canaries and birds in general partially replace their entire plumage. It is not a disease but a normal process that requires energy from the bird and the right conditions including the special care we need to provide to cope successfully.

There are two types of pterygium:

  1. The seasonal
  2. The pathological

Seasonal pterygium begins around the end of summer and ends around the beginning of autumn. This is the time in nature that is suitable for the elimination of the old plumage and its replacement with a new one that will help it cope with the difficult weather conditions of the coming winter. You can find more information and instructions to help your canary successfully complete its pterosaurs .

Pathological pterygium is a condition that can be caused by many reasons, some of which are related to diseases. Here you can find out more about pathological pterygium and how to treat it .

You took him with you

Many, after acquiring a male canary, decide at some point later to acquire a female, in order to share the same cage to have companionship. But canaries do not naturally have this companionship that other species, such as Budgie parrots or Lovebirds, have . The canaries mate only for reproduction and the rest of the time, live independently.

A male canary can sing louder or louder for as long as the female can. But once he conquers it, he stops chirping and the interest of both birds is focused on reproduction.

If you have a male canary to hear it chirp, leave it alone in its cage and make sure it does not have eye contact with other birds. Also, do not put a mirror in the cage because in addition to the other problems it can create, it gives the bird the impression that there is more in its space and so it stops singing again.


Nutrition is one of the most important factors in determining the health and quality of life of most living organisms. A proper, complete diet contributes to the good physical condition of the body and consequently to the prevention and treatment of possible health problems, but also to the avoidance of problems that would arise otherwise, as a result of a poor diet.

Among the problems that can be caused by a poor diet is the reduction or cessation of chirping as a result of a general poor physical condition. Make sure the birds are provided with a complete, quality diet that will help avoid all of the above.

Start your briefing around this great chapter on bird care fromour article on canary nutrition .

Dietary supplements that enhance itching

There are no such. As we have said, all healthy male canaries chirp and there is nothing beyond their mood that can make them keep going or start singing.

Song-enhancing supplements are usually multivitamin supplements called “special supplements” for commercial purposes.

If a bird does not chirp due to illness , it is not going to be treated with vitamins alone. He needs proper diagnosis and treatment to restore his health and the song will come as a natural consequence to a health bird.

If a bird does not chirp due to feeding problems, then the problem of his malnutrition should be completely solved, which can be solved by changing his diet which in turn may include a multivitamin dietary supplement. Thus, in the best case, the need for additional administration of another multivitamin supplement is eliminated.

by Abdullah Sam
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