Why do dogs love to smell the crotch?

It is common to see dogs sniff the genitals of another dog. Its animal behavior does not surprise us, since, through this act, in which the dog smells the pheromones of the other canid, the animal obtains information from that other dog, if it is in heat or if it is aggressive. But why not sniff other parts of the body? Because these animals have a high concentration of apocrine sweat glands in their sexual organs; Therefore, when it detects the smell that the genitals of another dog give off, what it does is establish a natural and biological social relationship of recognition with the other canid.

Dogs are able to sniff out diseases in humans

The same thing happens with us. They like to smell us because, in this way, they recognize us, because they want to communicate with us in their own way, because thanks to this behavior, the animal knows if we are well or not … In fact, it is known that dogs are capable of sniffing organic compounds that cause colon, prostate or lung cancer, for example. For this reason, there are units specialized in the detection of these diseases that already work with dogs.

Humans also release pheromones

Therefore, it is natural that these animals also want to constantly sniff us. What may be most striking to us is that they especially like to smell the crotch area. But this also has its explanation. We also release pheromones. Our glands are located throughout the body, but we have two areas where their concentration is greater: the armpits and the genitals. For this reason, canids come to smell us in this area, because that is how they recognize us, because that is how they interact with us, and because in this way they obtain information about our state. So much so that, if we are on our period or ovulating, or we have just had sex, the dogs will notice it and will approach it with greater curiosity if possible. They will also have the desire to smell us if we have recently given birth, or if we are breastfeeding.

Given this, we can do nothing, except leave him alone to conclude his recognition. Although it can be embarrassing for us, for dogs it is a completely natural behavior that is within their own DNA, it is their way of relating to those around them. Therefore, we have no choice but to be patient and act normally in situations of this type.

by Abdullah Sam
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