How to choose a kennel for my dog

The kennels or dog daycare centers are the perfect place to leave in good hands our friend if we have to be out of our home for personal family reasons, professional or.

It is normal that the first days our dog is somewhat listless and does not show much desire to play or eat, although there are also animals that from the first day are integrated into the rhythm and routine of the place. A good marble residence should have qualified professionals and facilities specialized in the care of canids. In this article we collect those elements that you should pay attention to if you are thinking of looking for a residence for your pet.

Large and well ventilated spaces

The first thing we have to look at is that the residence has wide spaces and that these are properly ventilated to avoid bad smells and that the animals breathe stale air. In addition, it is the best way to reduce some conditions, such as tracheobronquitos.

Likewise, it is important that it has an air conditioning system, since animals, like humans, also suffer in environments that are too cold or hot.

The individual spaces where the animals will rest must also be spacious, never less than 6 square meters. If two canids will live in the cage, the space must be double, that is, 12 meters. Thus, the animals can move freely while they are there.

Finally, it is essential that it has outdoor areas so that dogs can go out and run outdoors, an aspect that is essential for the correct physical and mental development of the animal.

All areas must be equipped with a surveillance system that allows control of what happens at all times in the facilities, especially at night, when there are fewer personnel. There are residences that even allow us to view our dog during his stay through mobile devices, an interesting system that will allow us to observe that our animal is well cared for.


Of course, the kennel has to be clean and properly disinfected, both the common spaces and the cages. The professionals will have to inform us about the way in which they disinfect and clean the different facilities of the dogs, as well as the frequency with which they do it.

Good hygiene prevents animals from contracting diseases or parasites.

Associated with this, it is necessary that we verify that the facilities have a complete drainage system that facilitates the cleaning of the interior enclosures and the cages.

Health care

Finally, the kindergarten or canine residence must have staff, among which must be veterinarians and health professionals who take care of and cover the health and nutritional needs of canids.

by Abdullah Sam
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