Why can’t I see or show the images inserted in Gmail?;Solution

The human being is a social being by nature, he cannot be isolated from his environment, that is why he feels the need to relate and get in touch with his fellow man. It is that need that has precisely led him to create ways of transmitting his messages, thoughts and ideas.

This is where technology comes into play to facilitate this communication process. And it is not for less, since it is thanks to the advances in information and communication systems that the habits and life of the human being have been modified, allowing communication instantaneously.

In this regard, digital media have become the most popular and effective vehicle for communication, changing the way man expresses himself. Messages are sent daily, videos and photographs are shared and transported through the different computer transmission vehicles.

One in particular that stands out in this article refers to email or emails , which are widely used in all areas and by different users from young people to adults. But what makes the use of email so popular? What problems can they present and how to solve them? This article offers practical suggestions.

Gmail Email Why is it popular?

The e-mail service is a well-thought-out tool for sending and receiving information and audiovisual content, thus becoming the fundamental means of communication within the network and also the most widely used. More and more users are using email for both professional and personal purposes.

And it is that companies have seen fit to incorporate into their platforms the use of this great resource to favor and simplify communication. This communication system works through the Internet , e-mails use the network as a support to create and transmit messages that remain on the computer for a long time.

Now, in what way does this method favor the exchange of information and communication? It greatly simplifies the communication process. Sending a message is extremely simple . Using a computer, the message is written and the address to whom the message is addressed is indicated and then sent with just one click.

But it should be noted that e-mail can present some drawbacks especially when uploading files. Here’s why and how to fix it.

Uploaded images display problems, solution

When the user sends an email with images, these are observed automatically. But there is a problem that often happens when uploading the images and sending the mail and that is that the receiver does not view the images or the message. The problem is due to the previous configuration that must be done. What should be done to fix it? It is very simple.

Step 1

First, you must go to configuration where the adaptation options that must be made in the email account are shown. Among them is this option that allows you to observe the images that you send and receive incorporated into the message.

Step 2

The second step is to accept those changes made and safeguard the system , in this way the user will not have problems in terms of viewing the images. On the other hand, if it is a malicious or unverified email, the Gmail mail system alerts the user by verifying the images and protecting them from viruses.

As it does? It will not allow those images to be viewed, on the contrary, it will request permission from the user to arrange for them to be viewed spontaneously in the system. The user can decide if he wants the images to be observed or not according to his convenience due to the poor quality of the internet or the saving of the megabytes available.

In this way, you can adapt the email so that it does not cancel viewing the images , for this you must choose the option of requesting the user permission to always view them.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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