Who Invented the Internet


It is often difficult to attribute the invention of the Internet to a single individual. This is due to the vast technologies and inventions that have led to the use of the internet today. The Internet is a product of pioneering innovations by scientists, engineers and programmers. In fact, computer, telephone and radio inventions were a basis for internet functions. However, there are two people who are usually considered the inventors of the Internet: Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf.

Individual contributions

Internet was born in the mind of Nikola Tesla in 1900. He imagined a “global wireless system”. Later, Paul Otlet visualized a mechanized system where books could be stored and searched for use. Despite these previous contributions to a global computer network, the big step forward came in 1962. In several notes, JCR Licklider discussed the concept of a “galactic network”. He imagined a worldwide computer connection where everyone could access programs and data as quickly as possible. Licklider discovered this concept while working as a head of a DARPA computer research program. He influenced his successors as Ivan Sutherland, Bob Taylor and Lawrence G. Roberts with the concept.

In July 1961, Leonard Kleinrock developed the theory of packet switching. He went on to write a book on theory in 1964. He shared his discovery with Lawrence Roberts. The packet change theory explained the possibility of communicating using packets instead of circuits. It was an important step towards the creation of computer networks. Furthermore, it has been recommended to the government as a method to resolve the vulnerability of its network of advanced research agencies (ARPANET). The first government agency to use it was the United States Department of Defense. After this invention, Roberts partnered with Thomas Merrill to explore the look of computers that talk to each other. This led to the development of the Interface Message Processor (IMP).

Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf

Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf were the inventors of the Internet. Mr. Kahn was born in December 23, 1938 in New York, United States. His parents were Beatrice and Lawrence Kahn. In 1960, Robert graduated as an electrical engineer from the City College of New York. He then went on to Princeton University and received a master’s degree in 1962 and a degree in 1964.

On the other hand, Vinton Cerf was born in the coastal city of New Haven, Connecticut. He was born on June 23, 1943. His mother was Miguel Cerf while his father was Vinton Thurston Cerf. Cerf’s mother was a housewife while her father was an aerospace executive. Vinton attended the Van Nuys school. He later joined Stanford University and earned a degree in Mathematics.

Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf have been credited as internet inventors due to their development of two key components of the Internet. They found the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) in 1973. TCP was a model that could allow information sharing between multiple computer networks. In 1983, APRANET began applying the use of the TCP / IP protocol. From that moment on, the developers started to put together different “pieces of the network” to create the modern Internet.

by Abdullah Sam
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