Do you know when to look for a psychiatrist?
When we have a physical illness, it’s very easy to know when to seek medical help, isn’t it?
However, when it comes to mental health, this usually does not happen, as this aspect of human health does not receive the same attention and it is often very difficult to know the right time to seek a psychiatrist.
This is because, in the vast majority of cases, mental illnesses are confused with tiredness or just dissatisfaction.
For this reason, people think that they just need a break and their life will return to normal.
However, when it comes to mental illnesses, that alone is not enough, as mental illnesses, just like physical ones, need treatment and medical follow-up to be cured.
For this to happen, the person must seek a psychiatrist and seek treatment.
With that in mind, we wrote this article to explain when to look for a psychiatrist.
Good reading!
Know When to See a Psychiatrist
The question you don’t want to shut up is when to look for a psychiatrist?
Nowadays, due to our always busy and busy routine , people are more and more likely to develop anxiety and stress .
This can happen both in the corporate world, which is very demanding and competitive, even in situations of violence that people may be suffering.
But in addition to these factors, there are also genetic factors that can cause people to develop symptoms that are most often confused with some of the mental disorders.
In certain cases, if the person does not get the treatment correctly and early, such symptoms can become more severe and the person may need treatment.
This is so serious that the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry itself has already released data stating that approximately 30% of Brazilians may end up developing some mental disorder.
And the most serious thing, people who are not diagnosed for not looking for a doctor can end up suffering a lot and having their lives harmed by not taking care of these symptoms.
We have listed below some symptoms that are a warning sign for you to know if it is time to see a psychiatrist:
- Lack of appetite or food compulsion;
- Constant apathy;
- Deep sadness;
- Excessive irritation;
- Tremors, sweating and pertinent vertigo;
- Restlessness and difficulty concentrating;
- Frequent insomnia.
- Difficulty performing day-to-day tasks.
If you experience any of these symptoms, seek help from a psychiatrist.
The true role of the psychiatrist
In society, there is still a stigma created around psychiatry, attributing a pejorative stereotype.
Due to this, it is common that there is a reluctance in looking for a psychiatrist when it is believed to have a mental issue to work on. However, mental health should be given as much attention as physical health.
A psychiatrist is a professional with a degree in medicine and a residency or specialization in psychiatry, and is responsible for diagnosing and treating all mental issues.
The psychiatrist doctor not only treats mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and dementia, but also assists in cases of anxiety and depression.
– Difference between psychiatry and psychology
The psychiatrist is the professional responsible for diagnosing the mental disorders that the patient may have as well as prescribing medication for their treatment.
The psychologist is the professional who treats such disorders through therapy , so that he can understand what were the reasons that led the patient to develop mental and emotional problems.
In this way, one can end up complementing the treatment of the other, because, depending on the severity of the patient’s problem, he often has to undergo a treatment that combines psychotherapy given by a psychologist and treatment with medications that were prescribed by the psychiatrist.
The psychologist has skills that make him able to treat patients through psychotherapy techniques for the various behavioral, mental and emotional disorders that the patient may develop.
Most of the time, psychotherapy is applied through dialogue between psychologist and patient, however there are other techniques that can be used, such as drawings, readings and sound therapy .
The main objective of the treatment carried out by the psychologist is to understand what is causing the patient’s illness, through a frank and transparent conversation.
The psychiatrist is the professional who has the ability to identify, diagnose and indicate the treatment of the patient with a mental disorder with the prescription of medications.
So much so that, in cases of serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, autism and depression, treatment with a psychiatrist is essential.
The prescription of drugs is made for the treatment of symptoms that are preventing the patient from having quality of life and aims to reduce such symptoms by providing improvements in the patient’s life.
Thus, the duration of psychotherapy and psychiatric treatment through the use of medication will depend on factors such as the patient’s reaction to the medication, the correct participation of the patient in the sessions and the severity of each case.
What are the main diseases treated by the Psychiatrist?
Mental illnesses or disorders consist of a change, which can be intellectual, emotional and/or behavioral, which ends up making it difficult for the patient to interact with the society he lives in.
There is a very wide variety of mental illnesses that need treatment with a psychiatrist, below we will inform the main ones, check it out:
- Anxiety;
- Depression;
- Schizophrenia;
- Eating disorders;
- Post-traumatic stress;
- Somatization;
- bipolar disorder ;
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD;
- Burnout syndrome , among others.
How do I know if I should see a psychiatrist?
All people have issues to deal with in everyday life that can lead to frustration, sadness or stress .
Despite this, it is essential to be aware of how you deal with these events and how much they impact your activities.
When reactions to the most difficult events to deal with begin to take on greater proportions, such as intense worry, tachycardia, alcoholism or excessive crying, it is important to turn on the alert signal.
An intense feeling of frustration, in which you are prevented from carrying out your obligatory activities for days or even weeks as a result of this, having the feeling that you cannot recover after the emotional upheaval, is a sign that the consultation with a psychiatrist may be required.
What kind of tests can a psychiatrist order?
Psychiatrists can perform physical examinations of the patient in addition to ordering laboratory tests to help them identify and diagnose the illness that the patient has.
Below, we separate the tests that the psychiatrist may request:
- Electroencephalogram (EEG);
- Computed tomography (CT);
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET);
- Bloodtests.
However, no diagnosis made by the psychiatrist should be made taking into account only the laboratory tests.
This is because these tests are used to:
- Triage clinical diseases;
- Help in establishing diagnoses;
- Determine whether treatment can be instituted, and;
- Evaluate the toxic and therapeutic effects of the treatment.
Thus, it is essential to combine the tests with psychiatric care in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
How long does a consultation with a psychiatrist last?
The first appointment usually lasts about 2 hours, as the psychiatrist will ask what brought the patient there.
In addition, he will ask for information about himself and his habits, performing the psychic examination.
Such an examination is carried out using specific techniques for the psychiatrist to be able to detect whether or not the patient has a mental disorder.
If the patient has any disorder, he needs a follow-up with the psychiatrist, his next consultations will be from 45 minutes to 1 hour of consultation.
Questions that help in a better diagnosis
Now, let’s inform the main questions that help in the diagnosis made by the psychiatrist.
– What is your level of motivation to carry out your activities?
The problems associated with emotional disorder have a great impact on their quality of life, affecting everything from their productivity to their pleasure in leisure activities, setting up a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction.
When emotional issues recurrently interfere with a person’s daily activities, whether or not they are associated with insomnia, it is essential to pay attention.
– Have you been too anxious?
Anxiety is like a vague and unpleasant feeling of fear, involving tension or discomfort derived from anticipation of something.
Anxiety and fear become recognized as pathological when they are exaggerated. This exaggeration can be noticed when it is disproportionate to the stimulus or when it interferes with the person’s quality of life, emotional comfort or daily performance.
The practical way to differentiate normal anxiety from pathological anxiety is basically to assess whether the anxious reaction is short-lived, self-limited and related to the stimulus at the time or not.
Anxiety can also trigger a series of physical reactions in the body, such as tachycardia, palpitations, shivering and shortness of breath. That’s why the help of a psychiatrist is so important to have a better quality of life.
It’s common to have difficulty sleeping from time to time, especially when we take a longer nap in the afternoon, consume caffeinated foods up to 6 hours before bedtime or when we are worried about some issue.
However, one should be aware of how often this occurs. If you experience bouts of insomnia that impair the performance of your daily activities, it is important to seek help from a psychiatrist.
– Do you have trouble sleeping?
Some mental disorders, such as panic disorder and other types of anxiety, are related to sleep disorders and need to be investigated in order to receive the correct diagnosis.
– How’s your appetite?
It is very important to pay attention to how hungry you are, as there are important changes in your relationship with food. Episodes of binge eating or loss of appetite may indicate the importance of going to a psychiatrist.
List of the main signs of when to look for a psychiatrist
At this point, we will explain a little about the main warning signs for you to seek help from a psychiatrist.
– constant apathy
The causes of a person being apathetic or apathetic can be the most varied.
However, when this apathy is constant, it may be a sign of a psychiatric illness, or a physical condition.
Therefore, if you are in a constant state of apathy, seek psychiatric help to make this distinction in the best way.
– Deep sadness
Deep sadness often manifests itself when the person is going through some kind of problem.
That way, the person feeling sad is not a problem, the problem is when that feeling is frequent and constant.
Thus, it is important that the person seeks help so that this feeling does not increase, as this can harm their mental health.
Acknowledging your feelings and emotions means taking the time to be mindful.
Therefore, if you have this constant feeling of sadness, seek help because this is an indication that you may have depression or any other disorder.
– excessive irritation
Excessive irritation can often be symptoms of various diseases, disorders and situations.
This is because it is very normal that in certain situations the person becomes irritated, however, if this irritation is constant, it may have some damage to their health.
Thus, a person with excessive irritation may:
- Having sleep disorders ;
- Headache,
- Abstinence crisis (from cigarettes, alcohol, etc.);
- Burnout syndrome,
- Anxiety, among others.
– Restlessness and difficulty concentrating
A person who is very restless and who cannot sit still or concentrate can often be an indication of a mental disorder.
Yeah, a person with these symptoms may have some ADHD framework, which needs psychiatric follow-up.
– Difficulty performing day-to-day tasks
If procrastination happens in isolation, it will not harm the person or be considered a disease.
However, when a person procrastinates a lot and begins to suffer bad consequences for that reason, as he is unable to carry out his day-to-day tasks, this can be a warning sign.
Thus, the person who has difficulty carrying out their day-to-day tasks may have disorders such as:
- Depression,
- bipolar mood disorder,
- anxiety disorders,
- Phobias,
- Among other relevant psychological conditions.
That way, excessive procrastination can be an indication that your mental health is not so good and that you need to look for a psychiatrist.
– binge eating
Binge eating is a serious eating disorder characterized by excessive food intake.
Such ingestion happens even when the person is not in shape or with some physical need for food, as the compulsive person has no control over what he is eating or the amount of it.
Be careful what you consume
Do you consume in abundance and/or frequently substances such as: alcohol, cigarettes or drugs? If you have some unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking or using drugs and have difficulty living a day without them, you should pay attention.
The abuse of these types of substances is often used as an escape valve for other problems, so it is essential to seek a psychiatrist.
As we can see, the issues that can lead you to seek a psychiatrist are quite broad…
So, be sure to pay attention to the details. The psychiatrist plays a very important role in maintaining the well-being of thousands of people and mental health, when taken seriously and treated well, promotes a better and lighter life.
Don’t neglect your mental health and seek help when noticing the signs.
Mental Health at Work and the Role of HR
There has never been so much talk about mental health at work. This is the agenda of the century, addressed both in academic production and in the media and in the social and family cycle.
It is clear that companies cannot be left out of this conversation. Even more so when considering that personal finances and the job market have an enormous weight in maintaining people’s mental health.
Therefore, HR has an important role, as it is responsible for creating a relationship in the professional environment , building a space where the employee feels valued, satisfied and welcomed. This should be more than a mere strategy, but one of the main pillars of the work environment.
Keeping employees happy is like winning the business lottery. There are only benefits for both sides.
Thus, for HR to be a positive point in the mental health of workers, it must:
- Create a welcoming environment;
- Valuing the employee’s experience;
- Offer telepsychology service.
– Importance of Corporate Health in the Workday
Although CLT provides that every company must create a healthy and safe work environment, there are no rules regarding offering benefits such as a health plan or a gym voucher, for example.
However, it is important to adopt corporate health measures, as this is an important competitive advantage.
This is because the company that offers such benefits helps to attract and retain talent, in addition to promoting a series of advantages for both parties: employers and employees.
It is also worth mentioning that all these situations cause inconvenience, even when the INSS assumes the payment of aid, due to the fact that the removal of an employee ends up changing the entire dynamics of his company, leading to overload and low productivity.
In addition, if your company needs to hire a temporary worker due to the other employee leaving, HR spends time with the process and may also need to invest in onboarding and training.
Other advantages that corporate health can bring to your company:
- Helps employees to be more productive
- Not everything is about financial success.
- Makes the use of resources more strategic
- Reduces the number of leaves and absences at work
- Makes the work environment more pleasant
- It contributes to the organizational climate .
HR sector practices that contribute to the mental and physical health of employees
Now let’s explain the practices of the HR department that help in the employee’s mental and physical health.
– Implementation of flexible schedules;
Offering a flexible schedule for employees is very important to help people’s mental health.
In many professions, especially those that can work remotely or from home offices, they do not require a specific work schedule.
In this sense, depending on your function, the company may allow a more flexible schedule.
– Workplace gym programs
It’s not news that physical activities provide balance between body and mind. One of them can help in the work environment.
Just the fact of stopping for a few minutes during the day to do a light and group activity already makes the employee have a different spirit when returning to tasks.
It not only promotes interaction among colleagues, but also stimulates creativity and also prevents spine-related diseases. It has already become a very common practice in companies, as it has low cost and great results.
– Psychological support
Companies can help combat emotional disorders by creating in-house psychological support programs . It’s a simple measure, but one that can have a significant result at a low cost.
The main advantage of maintaining programs with this proposal is to guarantee the mental well-being of employees and prevent the emergence of more serious mental disorders.
This influences the quality and productivity of the worker, because with each challenge or difficulty that arises, he will have the necessary support to deal with the situations.
This support retains talents that feel more valued. The rate of absences from work due to emotional disorders also tends to decrease, avoiding financial losses for the company.
Get to know Conexa Corporate
Well, now that we have informed you about the time to seek the help of a psychiatrist, the time has come for you to understand what Conexa Corporate offers you differently and how it can help you.
- Teleorientation
Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, Conexa Corporate began to realize that telemedicine can be used in everyday life, especially in less complex issues.
A good example is a cancer patient who, through teleguidance, follows up with his doctor and answers his questions about the treatment through an online consultation.
- Health Related Telepsychology
Conexa Saúde also offers psychological follow-up to its company’s employees who have illnesses such as Burnout , depression , anxiety , among others.
- Conexa in Company
Conexa in Company consists of monitoring employees’ health issues internally.
Below we list some of its functions:
- Loss ratio monitoring;
- Health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
- Emotional support for internal teams.
Thus, crisis situations can be easily circumvented.
- Platform
The Conexa Platform is a great differential that Conexa Saúde has, and this makes it way ahead of traditional health plans .
This happens because it has an exclusive platform , which facilitates the entire connection process between doctor and patient, and that in itself is already a great positive point.
However, Conexa Saúde e Corporate goes much further, which is why it also delivers several essential functions for a good day-to-day health monitoring.
Some of its day-to-day functions are:
- Storage of medical documents in digital format;
- Integration of patient data in their profile, facilitating multidisciplinary diagnostic processes;
- Ease of access to test results and the patient’s history, which can open up, from the outset, the possibilities of diagnosis;
- Allows the professional to analyze which tests the patient has already done and check the results, without having to request procedures that have already been performed recently;
- Allows the issuance of reports at a distance and interpretation of exams with a medical team — this is very common in complex cases, such as treatment of malignant tumors, in which professionals exchange information with other specialists, in order to outline the best path for their patients during the procedure. process.
In addition, all the security protocols present on the platform guarantee the privacy of patient data, mainly due to the fact that it respects the provisions of the LGPD for these cases.
This is fundamental, mainly because it involves sensitive data.
But the unanswered question is: what are the differences between Conexa Saúde and the traditional corporate health plan?
We separate below the main points that need to be observed and that show the most important differences between them.
Traditional health plans are mainly focused on face-to-face consultations, in the office.
In this way, they are starting to crawl towards the use of telemedicine in these services, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thus, through the means of telemedicine that Conexa Corporate offers, its employees can consult each other from a distance with 24-hour availability, every day of the week, managing to align with the professionals’ agenda
As seen throughout this article, the psychiatrist is a very important professional to take care of people’s mental health .
As we can see, the issues that can lead you to seek a psychiatrist are quite broad.
So, be sure to pay attention to the details. The psychiatrist plays a very important role in maintaining the well-being of thousands of people and mental health, when taken seriously and treated well, promotes a better and lighter life.