What’s the Difference between Hope and Dream?

Hope …. a dream ….
Is this the same or not the meaning of the word?

Hopes and dreams have in common, that is the same has not yet happened #hehehe. But … there is a big difference between hopes and dreams. Let’s find out …

Hope is what God wants to happen while dreams are what we want to happen.

Many people say ‘I hope something will happen’. It turns out that such a sentence of hope is not the hope referred to in the Bible.

Definition of hope according to the Bible:

  1. Hope is a form of SATISFACTION for doubt and obscurity (read Romans 8: 24-25; Hebrews 11: 1,7).
  2. Hope is the basis of life and truth in Proverbs 23:18 ” Because the future really exists, and your hope will not be lost.”
  3. Free from fear and worry (Psalm 46: 2–3). For some reason, you feel that everything will be fine even though your surroundings are worried.
  4. Without hope, life loses its meaning as experienced by the prophet Jeremiah in lament 3:18 and the prophet Job in Job 7: 6.

Why do we have a different view of hope from people who don’t know God and even become brave and confident in hope? Because we have the certainty that God also works in all things for good ( Romans 8:28) .

This means that all aspects of our lives, be it circumstances, time, whatever we face. You are not alone. Don’t be afraid and smile at this world because we have hope in Jesus 🙂

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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