What private data does WhatsApp keep about you

What many of the users do not know is that when we access the platforms or search for information we are accessing a data record, but that in this way these platforms also access our personal data , this is something very sensitive and that many do not know.

In many cases it has been heard that some social networks save our data and all users who belong to it have been scandalized in some way, for that reason it is important to improve security and privacy on Android phones. In addition , the information that we transmit through these platforms must be kept carefully .

We must know that our information is not entirely secure, of course not all social networks have the same policies or act in the same way, but what is logical is that they have a lot of data such as our location or data of what we share daily.

Now that we know that our social networks collect certain information about each user, we will also disclose what private information our WhatsApp account keeps about you. So that you are aware of the way in which information you transmit is handled by this means and for what purposes is it used?

What private data does WhatsApp keep about you

We already know that many of these companies have our data and that WhatsApp does not go unnoticed either . The most important advantage is that it allows us to request that data through the same application but by making a request and following some steps.

The first thing you should do is enter your WhatsApp application then in the upper part of the right side you will look for the three small lines that appear and proceed to click it. In the new section, click on settings and then click on account. The next thing is to click on the function to request my account information.

Upon completion of the steps, the management will begin, it is not an immediate process, but this process can take up to three days . It is important to note that you will not see information about messages and that you must also update WhatsApp to the latest version . Many times if we do not have the latest version, this option does not appear.

If we talk about legal terms, these applications must always give us the right to access our data, that is, to know what private information they have about each user who uses WhatsApp.

Privacy settings in WhatsApp

We cannot ignore that not only the company accesses our data, that is, it depends on how we have our configuration, the other users can see our last connection time, profile picture, information and status.

By default WhatsApp is the one who establishes your privacy settings , but the important thing is that we can change it according to our preferences, you just have to go back to settings, account and privacy. There you will proceed to activate or deactivate what you want.

Learn to configure everything on your mobile even in this application, another important point is that the ‘online’ cannot be hidden or in this case the ‘writing’ either. But if you can deactivate our last connection time .

This instant messaging application is undoubtedly the first to have so many users who use it, it is very popular, you must take full advantage of it . It is important to understand the applications we use and learn how to configure WhatsApp Messenger .

Our personal data on social networks

Currently most of us belong to some social network or to many, for that reason we must be very careful when placing certain information. Someone may add your information to other profiles or create a user with your profile photo.

Scams or mishandling of our information that can always happen on these social networks is a lie to no one, especially in the most used and popular social networks in the world. According to our information and time that we use our networks, they can know us more, know habits and lifestyle.

Many times even the Facebook application generates videos or memories with our information because everything remains in the storage of the social network . Submerging more account information can be in many cases delicate because we don’t really know who is behind the screen or what the other user’s intentions have with your data. They can even customize your information.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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