What is USB Power Delivery charging?

You may have heard the term USB Power Delivery , you may wonder what it means and how it works, so we bring you the answer. We begin by defining it as a type of fast charge , which works on certain devices, such as some Android phones, iPhones and selected computer models.

Currently there is a wide variety of fast charging systems, which can offer up to 125 W , however this system is not so advanced, although you can get your mobile to charge up to 70% faster than what the traditional charger achieves. 5 W that is normally included in our device.

Although the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF) announced the new Power Delivery standard in 2012 , it was not until mid-2014 that most manufacturers were adopting the charging format in their devices and from 2015 there was a greater incorporation in the market.

Charge your mobile in 17 minutes: Xiaomi charging at 100 W will make it possible

What can USB Power Delivery do on our batteries?

One of the main advantages of using USB Power Delivery is that it will take a few minutes to recover a good part of a charge from a mobile phone and a compatible computer, which represents a great advantage for when you need to replace the autonomy of your phone in the middle of a day and you do not have much time for it.

Not all mobiles are compatible with USB Power Delivery , although the list is long, old terminals, prior to Android 4.0 and with iOS 8 or lower, are probably not compatible, however we present a list of the most important terminals that have this technology:

  • Google Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 onwards.
  • iPhone 8 onwards.
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 onwards.
  • iPad Pro.
  • Xiaomi terminals.
  • Nokia 2.3 onwards.
  • Huawei Mate 10 onwards.
  • LG terminals from 2016 onwards.

The list is even longer , it is also something very simple to identify in each terminal, it will be enough to go to the loading section of each manual, or also to the manufacturer’s website and verify that the device is compatible with the technology.

In addition to compatibility, you need a charger that offers this type of charge , the higher the capacity, it will apply more power up to 100 W. An important piece of information to know that a charger comes with this standard is that both ends of the cable have an output port. USB Type C.

Many manufacturers have developed chargers under that standard, such as the specialized firm Belkin, Xiaomi, Aukey, among others. A trick to identify if a charger offers this type of technology is by looking at the small letters near the ports for the cable, you will possibly see the initials PD followed by the Watts it provides .

Quick Charge or USB Power Delivery?

Both technologies offer a great solution to customers. Each of these standards provides a range of security in user devices and the truth is that more and more manufacturers are inclined to develop their own fast charging system, however it is a constant that the incorporation of USB Power has been standardized. Delivery as a more universal means of loading.

You can get phones with fast charging and built-in Power Delivery , but not all Power Delivery compatible phones also include Quick Charge, since it is not the same technology itself.

For now Huawei, Xiaomi, Samsung and Apple have created their own development of fast charging of different power, but all of them by USB IF standard have included USB Power Delivery in their terminals , which makes charging a phone much easier , even if you didn’t bring a charger with you in the box, as has been happening with recently announced terminals.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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