What is the Zoom App and what is it for?

In recent weeks we have heard, like never before, talk about the App called Zoom, so, you may wonder what is the Zoom App and what is it for?

What is Zoom App and what is it for?

Categorically, we could affirm that the hasty boom that this App has had in 2020 is due, to a large extent, to the mandatory social confinement that has been implemented worldwide.

The fact that many people are at home and seek to communicate from there in the most comfortable and effective way possible has popularized this valuable web communication tool .

Zoom is so notorious that it is being used by almost all social ranks, from politicians for press conferences and businessmen to manage, to friends to talk to each other.

To this we add, the great need that a good part of the population feels to continue providing, in some way, their services and with this generate income, so necessary today.

All this global situation, generated by the pandemic, has achieved, if you will, something positive, and that is that there is a digital transformation and even in the mentality of many companies.

Following this storyline, we notice that new online businesses emerge every day, there are more people working comfortably from home and there are more balance between professional and family life.

Due to all this, solid platforms are needed that allow good and effective communication so that the commercial system does not collapse but rather that it floats and thrives.

However, there are still people who do not know what this App is about and how they can get the most out of it, then we will give you a simple explanation.

What is Zoom App

The Zoom Video Communications web app is basically a video conferencing tool; This tool, among other things, has a very easy-to-use platform because it is easy to use. It is very easy to download or download the Zoom video call app.

Among the virtues of this program, it stands out that it gathers videoconferences in the cloud, in addition, unifies meetings in simple lines and allows group messaging.

Fortunately, the Zoom App provides its millions of users with the best wireless audio, video and display experience, and best of all, Zoom is downloadable to computer or pc, windows or mac. being compatible even with iOS, Android, Blackberry, Zoom rooms , among others. 

We emphasize that we can not only use this tool for video calls but also allows us to write messages at the same time and share files with other users.

In addition to offering a simple management, we do not need to join a new social network to use it, we can register using our Gmail or with a Facebook account .

What is Zoom for

Zoom App has very diverse uses, if not infinite, since it is a very versatile, easy-to-use tool that adapts to the needs of the modern world, since it even allows you to join a meeting from the PC easily.

To begin with, this communication tool allows its users to hold virtual meetings of up to 100 simultaneous participants for free , making it the number one App among its competitors.

It should be noted that Zoom was specially designed to be used in the corporate field, being especially useful in this area as it allows the meeting of common agreement between employees and employer.

However, since it became imperative to be in isolation, this App has been downloaded by thousands of people who only want to communicate with their loved ones.

Another feature that makes the Zoom tool eye-catching is that users can use fun backgrounds and filters for their video meetings with friends or family.

Furthermore, as a plus, with this App it is possible to schedule and start executive meetings using some of the most popular and well-known calendars such as Gmail Calendar, Outlook or iCal .

One of the things that has allowed the use of this App to become so widespread is that, although it is a powerful tool, it is small and compact, it weighs only 16MB .

In addition to this, Zoom manages to easily integrate with other popular resources such as Skype and Slack, which makes it a very friendly, adaptable and easy-to-use tool.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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