What is the client and server model?

Web architecture, as its name implies, is nothing more than the design and structure of the elements that make up a page or website . This concept is derived from the very “common” architecture in which a plan is created and organized to make a house or building.

The main objective when correctly grouping the elements that make up a website is to optimize the page and make the online platform effective and successful. This results in the adequate provision of answers and services to the requesting client.

To achieve an adequate structure on a website, it must be analyzed which of the elements that make up the page itself are considered most important. That is, it is evaluated which objects or tabs should be at the first reach and which could be located consecutively.

What is the client and server model?

Today the so-called “client server” model constitutes an important element in the creation of protocols and services for Internet platforms. This is because when creating a new website that will offer customer service, it must be ensured that the platform works properly.  Here you can know what is the difference between the HTTP and HTTPS protocol

For a website to be considered efficient, the service model must consist of a “server”. The server must be a hardware with powerful software that can execute actions quickly and safely and that is capable of recording customer or selection data.

In the services part, there must then be two response sources, one will be in charge of storing the data provided by the user or client and another that in turn is in charge of leading the client to the section of the page that is appropriate, taking into account the previous choice.

Differences between client and server

In the client and server model there are big differences between the role that each one plays on the website. To explain it in a simple way, we can say that the “client” is an ordinary computer , with basic software such as that found in residential computers and this establishes a connection with the server.

The server then is the hardware or website that offers its services to the client, the software with which it operates is much more powerful and faster. They also execute smart actions that are provided based on customer choices. If you want to create your own website, here you will learn how to do it

In another corporate scenario, it could be said that the server is the entity in charge of supplying files or databases to other common computers (clients) so that they work properly.

Types of web architectures

Within the web architecture we can find three different types : two-layer architecture, three-layer architecture and N-layer architecture.

Two-tier architecture: in the two-tier architecture, the server is in charge of supplying the files or data requested by the client. This means that it does not require any extra support to respond to the request.

Three-tier architecture: in the three-tier architecture, the client requests services through an entity or intermediary software. In other words, the server requires in this case a source to offer the appropriate response.

N-tier architecture: in the N-tier architecture, the server itself works together with other servers, so a service chain is established. In which the client requests, the main server is in charge of looking for the answer in the other servers and supplying it.

In general, it can be said that a common web page has various resources when it comes to providing a service. Likewise, the structure of the website will then depend on the answers demanded by the client and question.

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Finally, we hope that this article has helped you. However, we’d like to hear from you. Did you easily understand the difference between client and server? Leave us your answer in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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