What is the adoption of a child?

The the selfgiving of a baby, a child or a teenager is the act of having you as a legitimate child a child who was not for you generated. You will have an adopted child who will have all the rights of a biological child.

What are the steps to adopt a child?

  1. Make the decision after much reflection and information on the matter with your partner, if applicable;
  2. Search in your city for the Forum or the Childhood Court and find out about the necessary documentation to carry out the act and all the steps to start the qualification process for the adoption of a child;
  3. To undergo the qualification process that includes interviews, courses and home visits;
  4. Wait for the judge’s approval indicating that you are eligible or not for the adoption of a child;
  5. After qualifying, you will wait to be called to meet a child, according to your criteria, which were indicated in your qualification process. And yet, depending on your criteria regarding the child’s profile, this may take a few years. The more idealizations, the longer it will take for that meeting.

What are the points that are analyzed and evaluated in a qualification process for adoption

Professional social workers or psychologists will assess your real desire to have a child, assess your emotional readiness to love a child or adolescent who has not been raised by you, will also assess the reason why you are adopting, that is, whether do you really want a child or are you going to do that to improve your marriage, pay a promise, replace a child who died or just do a good deed.

The experience of work has always shown us that such motivations are inadequate for having a child through adoption. The team of professionals will still assess your marital relationship and some economic issues, but what will really be taken into account will be whether the real motivation for you to be adopting is being based on your desire to perform parental functions with all its implications.

Which children will be referred to you?

Possibly you will be called according to the profile of the child indicated by you in interviews with professionals of the Childhood Court. They will be children or adolescents in a legal position to be adopted, that is, who no longer have ties to their biological family members and who have lost their legal rights over them.

These are different and different cases of children who were spontaneously handed over by their guardians, because they were aware that they were unable to raise them, or who were removed from their families of origin due to mistreatment, abuse, a history of drug use by those responsible , anyway. There are several reasons why a child is in a legal position to be adopted.

Once enabled, what are the steps?

Once enabled, you will be listed in the National Adoption Register. From there you will be in a queue and will be called when it is your turn. Possibly in the County in which he qualified and in which he resides.

You will wait for the contact of a Childcare Professional advising that you have been indicated to meet a specific child. If you are interested, you will get to know the child and based on her age, you will start a relationship with her, until she starts living under your care.

Depending on the child’s age, the approach period may be longer, but it is worth mentioning that this can also be different in each Childhood Court, as each judge and his technical team has an understanding. In this approach period you will visit the child at the host institution, go out with him for walks and gradually he will go to your house on weekends, until there is a firm certainty that this is the child you really want as a child .

Of course, in the case of babies up to one year of age, there is no need for a long approach period, and in the case of babies up to six months and age the child can be taken to live with the adopters immediately. When taking the child or adolescent home you will receive a term of custody and responsibility, after that the period of coexistence will begin, in which professionals from the Childhood Court will monitor, through visits and interviews, the adaptation between you, your family members and the child.

In case the adaptation does not occur positively, although it is a more unusual situation, the child will return to the host institution and, depending on the reason for the return, you will be able to return to the National Adoption Register queue and be referred to another child. Certainly new attempts will be made to insert the child or adolescent into another family.

In case the adaptation occurs positively, this will be informed to the Judge who will grant his request for adoption through a sentence, at this point the child will have a new birth record equal to that of a legitimate child, with nothing on adoption. The document will contain the name of the child with the surname of the adopters, as well as their new family members, in this case the grandparents.

The first civil registration will be canceled. Adoption is irreversible. Thereafter, the child’s file is filed in secret, and only the adoptee (from the age of 18) and his adoptive parents will have access to this document.

Are adopted children interested in knowing your story?

It is very important that parents by adoption are open to know and talk about their child’s history, which can be informed by the Childcare Professional at the time the adopter is called to meet the child or adolescent being for him indicated.

One should never lie or omit that a child has been adopted. The best people to tell your story are the parents who are adopting you. The issue of adoption must always be approached naturally, never disparaging the biological parents who abandoned him or who had to abandon him. An interesting way to mention the biological parents is to call them parents, the ones they generated, so as not to confuse the child or adolescent.

Anyway, the child’s origin and history is very important to be known, as it will be better elaborated by the child, besides generating less conflicts, if treated with love and naturalness. Many adopted children, at some point in their lives, can seek their history, often even those who were adopted through international adoption, for example, Brazilian children who were adopted by foreigners, some return to Brazil to obtain information about their history or they do it through social networks, which currently facilitates this search.


Anyway, adoption is another way for you to have a child, recognized in every way: affectionately and legally, with the same responsibilities as biological paternity, and not disqualifying in any way the fact that you are a parent.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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