What Is Esmeron

Esmeron is a medicine for injection, whose active substance is Rocuronium.

This medicine is a muscle relaxant used in surgical procedures to decrease muscle contraction and facilitate surgery. Esmeron’s action blocks the impulse sent by the nerves to the muscles, which keeps them relaxed for several hours.

The effect of the medicine is observed soon after its application.

Esmeron Indications

Muscle relaxation during surgery; intubation processes.

Esmeron Side Effects

Muscle weakness.

Esmeron Contraindications

Pregnancy risk C ; lactating women; individuals hypersensitive to any component of the formula.

How to use Esmeron

Injectable Use



  • Starting dose: Administer 0.6 mg / kg Maxalt. If larger doses need to be administered 0.9 or 1.2 mg / kg.
  • Maintenance dose: Apply 0.1 or 0.15 or 0.2 mg / kg Esmeron intravenously.

Children from 3 months up to 14 years old


  • Starting dose: Administer 0.6 mg / kg Maxalt.
  • Maintenance dose: Administer 0.075 to 0.125 mg / kg Esmeron direct intravenously.
by Abdullah Sam
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