What Is Epirubicin

Epirubicin is a medicine known commercially as Nuovodox or Tecnomax.This injectable drug is used to treat various types of cancer, reducing the tumor and the likelihood of metastasis.

Epirubicin Indications

Breast cancer; lung cancer; liver cancer;sarcoma (soft tissue); stomach cancer;bladder cancer.

Epirubicin Side Effects

Nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; lack of appetite; mucositis; amenorrhea; lethargy; heat waves;fever; skin allergies; skin peeling; loss of hair; infection; irritation at the injection site;conjunctivitis.

Epirubicin Contraindications

Pregnancy risk D ; lactating women; stomatitis; generalized infections; history of arrhythmia;individuals who are hypersensitive to any component of the formula.

How to use Epirubicin

Injectable Use


  • Standard dose: Apply 60 to 120 mg of Epirubicin intravenously, in a single dose or in 2 or 3 days successively. Repeat the procedure every 3 or 4 weeks if the patient experiences normalization of drug-induced toxicity.
  • Breast Cancer: Apply 100 to 120 mg of Epirubicin intravenously, in a single dose or in 2 or 3 days successively.
by Abdullah Sam
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