What Is Etoposide

Etoposide is a medicine known commercially as Vepesid or Etosin.This oral and injectable drug is an antineoplastic, indicated for the treatment of individuals with lung and testicular cancer.

Etoposide Indications

Lung cancer; testicular cancer; leukemia;Hodkin’s disease.

Etoposide Side Effects

Low pressure; diarrhea; nausea; vomiting; lack of appetite; decreased white blood cells;decreased blood platelets; anemia; hair loss.

Etoposide Contraindications

Pregnancy risk D ; Lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula’s components.

Etoposide Usage

Oral use


  • Lung Cancer: Administer 70 mg per m² body surface area daily for 4 consecutive days. Repeat the process every 3 to 4 weeks.

Injectable Use (Intravenous Use)

  • Lung Cancer: Inject 35 mg per m² body surface daily for 4 days. Repeat the procedure every 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Testicular cancer:Inject 50 to 100 mg per m² body surface daily. Repeat the procedure for 3 to 4 weeks.


by Abdullah Sam
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