What is digital migration?

Also defined as digital transformation, the concept consists of a restructuring of processes, which go from “analog”, which is the traditional one, to the digital one, with all its connectivity, agility and practicality.

When we think about migration, it is common to remember migratory movements, made by people who leave the place where they live and leave for a new one, whether they are internal (within the same country) or external (to other countries).

Still in the same idea, we can also remember the migration of animals, mass directional movements in which they move from one place to another, what happens to grasshoppers, fish, birds, bats and penguins, among others.

It may seem that we got off the subject, but we are still on the same line of reasoning. When analyzing these migratory movements, the similarity that we see between them is that individuals leave the place where they are to go to another with better living conditions, that is, that will be beneficial to them.

At the same time, this is also the case with digital migration . We are not talking, however, about regional change, but about technologies and processes, which is also very beneficial for everyone involved.

This migration is clear across the world. Today, we are much more connected than we were 10 years ago, for example.

In the past, we had cell phones that were nowhere near as smart as today, which still allow us to access the mobile data network with high speed wherever we are, from large metropolitan centers to more remote cities.

While we needed a computer to watch videos on the Internet, today we can do this with smartphones, tablets, video game consoles and Smart TVs, all connected to wireless networks of the highest speed and reliability.

The digital migration allows even cars, buildings and other objects are connected to the Internet, something that will only grow with the concept increasingly comprehensive Internet of Things (IoT).

Statistically, this migration is already a reality, with the potential to be something increasingly intense in society. A study by MarketsandMarkets showed that the global digital transformation market, valued at $ 469.8 billion in 2020, is expected to reach $ 1.010 trillion by 2025.

In addition to a 16.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2020 and 2025, which is quite significant, digital migration is forecast to move $ 2.767 billion per day, $ 115.28 million per hour , US $ 1.921 million per minute and US $ 32.02 thousand per second in 2025.

Another interesting piece of information is that the main reasons for this growth are the increasing use of mobile devices and applications and the adoption of services in the cloud, which has also grown a lot.

Therefore, in theory, in practice, in statistics and in forecasts, the digital transformation is undeniably on the rise.

How does digital migration manifest itself in education?

In many ways, which go far beyond what we can think of at first, such as virtual platforms and distance education.

When we talk about digital migration in education, we should not refer only to innovations or technologies, but to something related to the culture of such institutions.

When digitalization processes are applied to learning experiences, both teachers and students are able to better develop their skills, always with a common goal: to create a more engaging and effective educational process.

Some ways in which the digital transformation in education can manifest itself are the following:

  • Personalized experiences:imagine developing a different curriculum for each student, so that he leaves school more prepared for the career he wants to pursue, or even that there are personalized tests for students at different stages of learning. This is a real possibility with the use of Big Data systems in education.
  • Modular learning:the preparation of courses and lecture programs can be done using content already developed by other teachers, even from different institutions. This “digital abstraction” allows educators to create educational materials to exactly meet the needs of different levels of difficulty, departments and competencies.
  • Construction and enhancement of a digital heritage:the digital migration enables all students have access to educational resources in a more simple and inexpensive ways that traditional media. They can, for example, access all content using just a smartphone, without having to have other devices to study and develop their knowledge.
  • Content at hand at any time:it is no longer necessary to go to libraries and bookstores to find the necessary books and carry them around. The availability of digital books does away with this problem, which could be even more serious when that material is not found, which is capable of harming the entire learning process of students.
  • Global audiences:geographical barriers can be easily overcome with digital migration , as it is no longer necessary to be in the same place to teach or attend classes. With asynchronous classrooms, students can study when they need to, so that they can adjust their schedules in the best possible way, without having to stick to a fixed schedule.

See also: Challenges for education 2020: the EaD teacher

How has the pandemic accelerated digital migration in education?

For the establishment of an emergency situation, in which we no longer have access to resources with which we were already so accustomed, such as classrooms, whiteboards and group work.

In fact, this digital transformation did not happen only in education, but in the whole society: from telemedicine, which was authorized during the crisis of the new Coronavirus by Law No. 13989/20, to the intensification in the sale of products and services by Internet.

Of course, education could not be left out of this. We even commented on this in our article on online vs. remote education , when we showed that what happened, in fact, was more an adaptation of the content to the digital than a creation aimed especially at this medium.

It is understandable that this will happen, as there was no time to completely change an educational plan that was made for face-to-face application, but it did illuminate some important signs.

The first is that the digital migration of education is something that is already within reach. With the resources already available, it is possible to have a great online teaching and learning experience, which still has to grow in terms of adoption, it is true, but it is not something impractical.

Another sign is that the digital transformation in education should no longer wait. The whole world is moving towards digital, and an area so crucial for social development cannot be left behind in this regard.

Technology and education can not only but must go together, as they can complement each other and offer an even more satisfying experience to everyone involved, from deans, directors, coordinators and teachers to students and their guardians.

If you want to start or continue the digital migration process at your educational institution, know that the Prova Fácil solutions are complete and perfectly suited to what you are looking for. Don’t forget: just like in migratory movements, whoever takes the lead also reaches their goal first!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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