Convulsions, involuntary contractions of an extensive group of muscles due to cerebral disturbance.The disturbance of cerebral function may be due to local damage of brain tissue as in apoplexy, brain tumour, brain injury as in fractured skull and concussion; or brain abscess; or to some chemical or organic toxin circulating in the blood. Thus strychnine poisoning may cause convulsions and so also may uraemia.
There is usually loss of consciousness during a true convulsion, together with loss of f control over the bladder, so that water is passed involuntarily. In a hysterical convulsion loss of consciousness and loss of control do not occur. Convulsions occur in infants more readily than in adults, ) the infant cerebral tissue being more subject to ; minor causes of dysfunction.
Thus teething and digestive upsets may cause Convulsions in babies. Never-the-less medical advice should be sought. First-aid treatment of Convulsions consists in preventing the patient from injuring himself and maintaining a clear airway by removing false teeth and preventing the tongue from falling back.
Convulsions can in fact be caused by other types of diseases or other conditions:
- brain abscesses;
- withdrawal symptoms (abstinence from alcohol, drugs, drugs);
- eclampsia;
- encephalitis;
- fever (we speak of febrile convulsions , especially in children);
- hydrophobia;
- meningitis;
- cerebral neoplasms;
- metabolic problems (hypoglycemia, hyponatraemia and hypoxia);
- tetanus;
- uremia.
Treatment for convulsion
Treatment for seizures when it results from neurological diseases such as epilepsy can be done with the use of anti-seizure medications to prevent recurrence and ensure control of seizures. However, the treatment for seizure should only be indicated by the neurologist.
Focal convulsions
Focal (or partial) seizures are divided into simple partial, complex partial, and those that progress to secondary generalized seizures. The difference between simple and complex seizures is that, during simple partial seizures, patients maintain consciousness; during complex partial crises, they lose consciousness.
Sleeping convulsion
It is possible to have a seizure sleeping. In some types of epilepsy, epileptic seizures may occur exclusively during sleep.